Opened 11 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#530 closed task (fixed)

Display logs from temperature and humidity measurements

Reported by: Nicklas Nordborg Owned by: olle
Priority: major Milestone: Reggie v2.16
Component: net.sf.basedb.reggie Keywords:


See #529 for ticket about collecting measurements.

It should be possible to create links in various places to get info about the 'climate' for a given date. Exactly where needs to be discussed, but:

  • On single-item view pages for biomaterial we have access to creation date, registration date and possible also various date annotations. It should be possible to create a button (similar to the 'case summary' buttom) that links to information for the actual dates.
  • In the case summary page it should be possible to link to information for some of the dates or extract and display some information directly in the summary page.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by olle, 11 years ago

Owner: changed from Nicklas Nordborg to olle
Status: newassigned

Ticket accepted.

comment:2 by olle, 11 years ago

Traceability note:

  • The lab environment extension was introduced in Ticket #529 (Retrieve and store temperature and humidity measurements).
  • The lab environment extension was updated in Ticket #592 (Lab environment extension improved report routines), specifically regarding graphs of lab environment data for a chosen time interval, new time filters, and improved alarm functionality.

comment:3 by olle, 11 years ago

Summary: Display logs from temperatur and humidity measurementsDisplay logs from temperature and humidity measurements

Typo fixed.

comment:4 by olle, 11 years ago

Design discussion:

  • The case summary page contains most/all dates of interest for different extracts from a biomaterial. The first version of access to lab environment data for specific dates and labs will therefore be placed here.
  • The functionality described below is provided by the lab environment extension. The update should check if the former is available, and only add links etc. related to lab environment data, if the extension is installed.
  • For the chosen event dates, a link to a pop-up window will be placed in a column to the right of the date. Clicking on a link should open a pop-up window with graphs of temperature and humidity for the given date in the lab where the event was performed. Initially, the link will be indicated by a thermometer icon.
  • In order to provide a coherent user interface, the lab environment event data pop-up window should adhere to the following principles concerning the layout:
    a. The main content should have a layout similar to that for a daily display report for a single lab sensor.
    b. The page should have an added header stating the event, e.g. "RNA extraction:", followed by the extract name.
    c. The window should allow print functionality similar to that of other lab environment reports.
    d. Otherwise, the window should adhere as closely as possible to the layout of other BASE pop-up windows, e.g. title bar at top, and "Cancel" and "Print..." buttons at the bottom.
  • In the first version, the following event dates should be supported regarding lab environment data:

    1. RNA extraction date
    2. DNA extraction date
    3. FlowThrough extraction date
    4. mRNA cleanup date
    5. cDNA synthesis date
    6. Library cleanup date
    7. Pooled library pool date

    All of the above events are currently performed in the RNA lab in room B33A2.

comment:5 by olle, 11 years ago

Design implementation:

  1. The functionality uses LabEnv JSP file labenvironmentdatabaseeventpopup.jsp in resources/reports/, added in change set [2463] to LabEnv 1.1. Installation of LabEnv version 1.1 or higher is therefore required (otherwise no working lab environment event data links will be added).
  2. JSP file case_summary.jsp in resources/reports/ updated by calling ExtensionsControl.getHomeUrl(...) to obtain the URL for "net.sf.basedb.labenv.service", and then add it attribute data-home-labenv in div tag with id = "page-data".
  3. JavaScript case-summary.js in resources/reports/ updated:
    a. Call of cs.addColumn(...) for RNA, DNA, and FlowThrough extraction dates, mRNA cleanup date, cDNA synthesis date, library cleanup date, and pooled library pool date extended by calling new function cs.asLabEnvLink(sensor, date, title, icon) for the appropriate lab sensor and date.
    b. New function cs.asLabEnvLink(sensor, date, title, icon) added. It retrieves URL home-labenv from div tag with id = "page-data", and if the URL exists, a link is returned with class "link linked-labenv", and attribute data-sensor set to argument sensor, data-date to date, and data-title to title. The link is represented by the icon defined in the argument list.
    c. New event handler LabEnvs.viewDataOnClick is added to links of class "linked-labenv".
    d. New function LabEnvs.viewDataOnClick(event) added. It retrieves URL home-labenv from div tag with id = "page-data", and values for attributes sensor, date, and title from attributed with same name for event.currentTarget, after which a pop-up window is opened for a URL to LabEnv JSP file reports/labenvironmentdatabaseeventpopup.jsp, with added values for labSensorUrl, originDate, and pageTitle.
  4. New icon image thermometer.png added to resources/images/.

comment:6 by olle, 11 years ago

(In [2501]) Refs #530. Case summary updated for specific event dates by optional addition of link to pop-up window with lab environment data for the given date in the lab where the event was performed. Initially, the link will be indicated by a thermometer icon:

  1. The functionality uses LabEnv JSP file labenvironmentdatabaseeventpopup.jsp in resources/reports/, added in change set [2463] to LabEnv 1.1. Installation of LabEnv version 1.1 or higher is therefore required (otherwise no working lab environment event data links will be added).
  2. JSP file case_summary.jsp in resources/reports/ updated by calling ExtensionsControl.getHomeUrl(...) to obtain the URL for "net.sf.basedb.labenv.service", and then add it attribute data-home-labenv in div tag with id = "page-data".
  3. JavaScript case-summary.js in resources/reports/ updated:
    a. Call of cs.addColumn(...) for RNA, DNA, and FlowThrough extraction dates, mRNA cleanup date, cDNA synthesis date, library cleanup date, and pooled library pool date extended by calling new function cs.asLabEnvLink(sensor, date, title, icon) for the appropriate lab sensor and date.
    b. New function cs.asLabEnvLink(sensor, date, title, icon) added. It retrieves URL home-labenv from div tag with id = "page-data", and if the URL exists, a link is returned with class "link linked-labenv", and attribute data-sensor set to argument sensor, data-date to date, and data-title to title. The link is represented by the icon defined in the argument list.
    c. New event handler LabEnvs.viewDataOnClick is added to links of class "linked-labenv".
    d. New function LabEnvs.viewDataOnClick(event) added. It retrieves URL home-labenv from div tag with id = "page-data", and values for attributes sensor, date, and title from attributed with same name for event.currentTarget, after which a pop-up window is opened for a URL to LabEnv JSP file reports/labenvironmentdatabaseeventpopup.jsp, with added values for labSensorUrl, originDate, and pageTitle.
  4. New icon image thermometer.png added to resources/images/.

comment:7 by Nicklas Nordborg, 11 years ago

Milestone: Reggie v2.xReggie v2.16

comment:8 by Nicklas Nordborg, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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