
Version 24 (modified by Jari Häkkinen, 18 years ago) ( diff )

Added link to core plug-ins list.

Welcome to the BASE plug-ins site

This is the repository for BASE plug-ins. Currently BASE 1 and BASE 2 plug-ins are hosted at this site. Both BASE 1 and 2 comes with a set of core plug-ins, information about these is available elsewhere (list of BASE 2 core plug-ins).

The bugtracking system that we decided to use is called Trac. Trac allows BASE users to submit bug reports or suggest new functionality to plug-ins. Choose New Ticket in the menu bar and follow the instructions.

To support plug-in development we use subversion. Everyone is allowed anonymous checkout (SubversionCheckout) of the plug-ins available whereas plug-in developers can be given commit access to a designated directory in the repository.

Want to be a submitter?

If you have a plug-in you want to submit just send your plug-in to Johan Enell following the PluginSubmitReq.

Want to be a developer?

If you want to be a plug-in developer with commit access to the repository just contact Jari Häkkinen and he will hook you up. The DeveloperPage contains useful information for developers.

Want to be a downloader?

If you have a base installation running just waiting for new advanced tools for analysis you will find them all on the download page.


Please use the BASE mailing lists for discussions about plug-ins. You should use the ticketing system to report bugs, enhancement ideas, and feature requests.

Mailing lists

There are three Sourceforge hosted mailing lists for the BASE project. Please use them also for plugin issues.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.