
Version 44 (modified by markus, 17 years ago) ( diff )


Plug-in download

This page provides easy access to BASE 1 and 2 plug-ins for users who prefer not to use the subversion repository for downloading the plug-ins

The latest stable BASE can be downloaded from the BASE 2 development site. The latest BASE 1 release is availabe from BASE 1.2.x development site and the latest BASE 1.2 plug-in development kit may be needed for some of the BASE 1 plug-ins.

BASE 2 plug-ins

Plug-ins created for BASE 2.2 and later will not work with BASE 1.x.

Quality Control (QC)
Affymetrix plug-in for BASE: Affymetrix normalization with RMAExpress or Plier (download latest MD5). Works with BASE 2.0 and later
BatchDataImporter: Imports batches of data files into BASE, creating a single RawbioAssay for each file. Works with BASE 2.2 and later
WebServices: Experimental web services clients for BASE web services branch. Perl and R are supported through this plug-in.
Tab2MageImporter: Imports raw data files and an experiment meta-data in the tab2mage specification into base 2. Works with BASE 2.2 and later
Tab2MageExporter: Exports an experiment meta-data in the tab2mage specification from base 2. Works with BASE 2.2 and later
AffyArrayDesignBatchImporter: Imports batches of affymetrix array design into base 2. Works with BASE 2.2 and later
AnnotationTypeCvImporter: Import annotation type annd controlled vocabularies from a simple flat file into base 2. Works with BASE 2.0 and later
GCRMA: Works with BASE 2.0 and later
BAFsegmentation: Segments B allele frequencies from SNP arrays to identify regions of allelic imbalance.

BASE 1.2 plug-ins

Plug-ins created for BASE 1.2 can be made to work in BASE 2 using the Base1PluginExecuter plug-in (this is still in development phase).

Quality Control (QC)
Merge BioAssay: Works with BASE 1.2.17+
Smooth: Works with BASE 1.2.17+
WeNNI: Missing value imputation (download latest). Works with BASE 1.2.17+
popLowess: Works with BASE 1.2.17+
One class Z-test: Works with BASE 1.2.17+

External BASE plug-in developer sites

The MicroArray Datawarehouse Resource@LCB develops BASE plug-ins, please visit their development site at

Attachments (1)

Download all attachments as: .zip

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