Opened 10 years ago
Closed 10 years ago
#792 closed task (fixed)
MeLuDI v.1.2.5 bug fixes and improvements
Reported by: | olle | Owned by: | olle |
Priority: | major | Milestone: | MeLuDI v1.3.1 |
Component: | net.sf.basedb.meludi | Keywords: | |
Cc: |
This ticket covers bug fixes and improvements to MeLuDI v.1.2.5.
Change History (48)
comment:1 by , 10 years ago
comment:3 by , 10 years ago
Traceability note:
- MeLuDi v.1.0 was introduced in Ticket #690 (MeLuDi - Registration wizard for melanoma-lung cancer projects).
- MeLuDi v.1.1 was introduced in Ticket #718 (MeLuDi v.1.0 bug fixes and improvements).
- MeLuDi v.1.2 was introduced in Ticket #725 (MeLuDi v.1.1 bug fixes and improvements).
- MeLuDI v.1.2.1 was introduced in Ticket #759 (MeLuDi v.1.2 bug fixes and improvements).
- MeLuDI v.1.2.2 was introduced in Ticket #767 (MeLuDI v.1.2.1 bug fixes and improvements).
- MeLuDI v.1.2.3 was introduced in Ticket #768 (MeLuDI v.1.2.2 bug fixes and improvements).
- MeLuDI v.1.2.4 was introduced in Ticket #777 (MeLuDI v.1.2.3 bug fixes and improvements).
- MeLuDI v.1.2.5 was introduced in Ticket #786 (MeLuDI v.1.2.4 bug fixes and improvements).
- First version of library preparation wizards was introduced in Ticket #801 (MeLuDI library preparation wizards first version).
comment:4 by , 10 years ago
(In [3379]) Refs #792. Updates due to version number change to "1.3-dev
- Version number change to "
a. Outermost Ant XML build filebuild.xml
b. Extensions XML configuration fileextensions.xml
c. Javascript filemeludi-2.js
d. Javascript filesamplereportgenerator.js
e. Java class/
comment:5 by , 10 years ago
comment:6 by , 10 years ago
(In [3381]) Refs #792. Ant build and other configuration files updated to require minimum BASE version 3.5.0. The objective is to get access to the new ItemList
- Minimum BASE version changed to
a. Class path file.classpath
b. Outermost Ant XML build filebuild.xml
c. Extensions XML configuration fileextensions.xml
comment:7 by , 10 years ago
Design discussion:
At MeLuDI meeting 2015-06-08 on planning for Library Preparation wizards, some general decisions were made, that affect previous wizards:
- Support for "Extra material", i.e. samples/extracts not included in the main MeLuDI project, should be added to all stages of the MeLuDI pipeline. This includes the case registration wizards, but details regarding name conventions and sample types etc. have not been decided yet. The new policy means that values for different quantities should be stored for extra material, as well as for normal MeLuDI samples/extracts.
- Currently, extract source item selections in DNA/RNA extraction wizards are stored using annotations for a start plate; a "DNA reaction plate" library plate with name consisting of "
" plus a 5-figure number, on which the DNA extracts were intended to be placed. However, placement on the start plate is first made during library preparation, and it is not certain that DNA extracts for all relevant items coupled to the plate through annotations, would finally be placed on the plate. Also, a start plate might include DNA extracts for source items coupled to another start plate. Therefore, it seemed natural to not introduce any start plate until library preparation, when DNA extracts are placed on it. A consequence is that extract source item selections in DNA/RNA extraction wizards must be stored in another item than a start plate, if one wants selection in later wizards to be restricted to a single group item representing an earlier selection of extract source items. In this case there is not much help to be found in sister project Reggie, since there one normally selects the 12 next items in turn in several wizards.
Design considerations:
- A plausible candidate item for storing an item selection is the BASE item type "
". However, this item type was first introduced in BASE v3.5.0, while MeLuDI is currently used with BASE v3.4.*. Item lists were introduced in BASE Ticket #1325 "Lists of items (similar funcion as biomaterial lists)". Reggie ticket #750 (Changes required for BASE version 3.5) describes what changes are necessary for a BASE extension, and the update of MeLuDI for use with BASE 3.5.* will be based on this (although MeLuDI requires less changes than Reggie).
comment:8 by , 10 years ago
(In [3384]) Refs #792. MeLuDI updated to be able to be used with BASE version 3.5. Fixes consist of replacing BioMaterialList
with ItemList
with Item.ITEMLIST
- Data access object file
updated. - Java servlet classes files
(removed import only)
comment:9 by , 10 years ago
comment:10 by , 10 years ago
(In [3408]) Refs #792. One new site, "Trelleborg", added, belonging to RCC-syd:
- Java class/file
updated by adding entry for "Trelleborg". - Java servlet class/file
updated in protected methodvoid doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
by adding new site entry "Trelleborg" as allowed value forAnnotationtype.SITE
. - JSP file
updated by adding new site entry "Trelleborg" to site select options. - JSP file
updated by adding new site entry "Trelleborg" to site select options.
comment:11 by , 10 years ago
Design discussion regarding extra material:
At MeLuDI meeting 2015-06-15, the following details regarding name conventions etc. for extra material were decided:
- The following data is expected to be known for an extra material:
a. Input name.
b. Type. One ofSpecimen
, orRNA
c. Arrival date.
d. Operator delivery comment (optional). - The original (input) name of an extra material sample/extract does not have to follow any strict name convention, except:
a. The name must not start with letters "ML
", since this is reserved for samples/extracts in the MeLuDI project.
b. The input name may consist of English letters, numbers, hyphens "-
" and underscores "_
". It must contain at least one letter. - No case item will be defined for an extra material item, but the input name will have the same function as the case name for an item in the MeLuDI project. The program will add a suffix to the input name of the extra material. The suffix for a specimen will be a dot "
" plus a number, starting with "1
"; for a DNA item it will be ".d
"; and for an RNA item it will be ".r
". - Only one DNA and one RNA item is allowed for an input name of extra material. In addition, a number of specimens are allowed for an input name, even if a DNA and/or RNA item is registered for it. (The latter is not allowed for items in the MeLuDI project.)
- No tracking of plate positions will be performed for extra material items.
- For each extra material specimen registered, a DNA and an RNA extract for the specimen should be registered, but without plate positions.
comment:12 by , 10 years ago
Functional specification update:
- The case registration section should be extended with a wizard for registering extra material.
The wizard should contain two steps:
- The following data is entered:
a. The number of extra material to be added.
b. The default arrival date (default is current date). - The wizard contains of one line for each extra material, containing the following columns:
a. Name input field.
b. Type selection by radio button for DNA/RNA/Specimen ("DNA" is default).
c. Item name with type suffix (added by program).
d. Arrival date input field (default is date entered in step 1).
e. Operator delivery comment input area.
f. Status icon (added by program).
g. Input message (added by program).
Checks that should be performed on input data:
- Normal consistency checks on number and date entries.
- Check that arrival date is not a future date.
- Check that input name is not empty, and that it does not start with "
". - For a DNA or RNA entry, it should be checked that no extract with input name and type already exists in the database.
- For specimen entries with a given input name, the number of existing specimens with this name should be checked. The suffices for the new specimen entries should start by adding one to the highest suffix number of existing specimen items with the given name. As an example, if two new specimens with input names "
" should be added, and specimens "Test_Item_0A.1
" and "Test_Item_0A.2
" already exist, the new specimens should get item names "Test_Item_0A.3
" and "Test_Item_0A.4
Design update:
- JSP file
should be updated in the case registration section by adding a link to a wizard for registering new extra material. The link should be to new JSP fileextramaterial.jsp
. - New JSP file
added. It contains two steps and is coupled to new javascript fileextramaterial.js
. - New javascript file
added. It contains the following functions (among other):
a. FunctioninitPage()
adds event and button click handlers, enters today's date as default arrival date, and displays step one of the wizard.
b. FunctionvalidateStep1(event)
calls functionnofExtraMaterialOnChange()
to check that the number of extra materials is OK.
c. FunctioninitializeStep2()
creates a table with one input row for each new extra material to be added, and adds event handlers for type radio buttons and arrival date fields.
d. FunctionnameOnChange()
performs consistency checks on the input name, and calls servletSpecimenTubeServlet
with command "GetExtraMaterialInfo
" and callback functionextraMaterialInfoLoaded(response)
to perform checks requiring the database and create an item name.
e. FunctionextraMaterialInfoLoaded(response)
performs checks requiring the database and creates an item name, if no errors are found. For DNA and RNA items are checked that no previous item with same name and type exists. Suffix numbers for new specimen items are obtained by adding one to the highest suffix number of existing specimen items with the given name. For a new specimen, functionupdateSpecimenItemNames(currentName, highestSpecimenNumber)
is called to update item names.
f. FunctionupdateSpecimenItemNames(currentName, highestSpecimenNumber)
updates all item names for specimens with given name by adding numbers above those already used for specimens in the database.
g. FunctiontypeOnChange(event)
calls functionnameOnChange(event)
, since a change of type implies a change in suffix for item name.
h. FunctionarrivalDateOnChange(event)
performs date consistency checks for arrival date entries.
i. FunctionvalidateStep2(event)
performs basic validation checks (currently only that the number of extra material is valid).
j. Functionsubmit()
stores the input data in a JSON array and submits it to servletSpecimenTubeServlet
with command "CreateExtraMaterial
" and callback functionsubmissionResults(response)
using a "POST
" request.
k. FunctionsubmissionResults(response)
displays the response message after registration. - Java servlet class/file
a. Protected methodvoid doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
updated with new command "GetExtraMaterialInfo
". It obtains information of the number of specimen, DNA, and RNA items with a given input name, as well as the highest suffix number for specimens with that input name.
b. Protected methodvoid doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
updated with new command "CreateExtraMaterial
". It creates new extra material items, and for specimen items in the database, related DNA and RNA items.
comment:13 by , 10 years ago
(In [3412]) Refs #792. MeLuDI updated by adding registration of extra material:
- JSP file
updated in the case registration section by adding a link to a wizard for registering new extra material. The link should be to new JSP fileextramaterial.jsp
. - New JSP file
added. It contains two steps and is coupled to new javascript fileextramaterial.js
. - New javascript file
added. It contains the following functions (among other):
a. FunctioninitPage()
adds event and button click handlers, enters today's date as default arrival date, and displays step one of the wizard.
b. FunctionvalidateStep1(event)
calls functionnofExtraMaterialOnChange()
to check that the number of extra materials is OK.
c. FunctioninitializeStep2()
creates a table with one input row for each new extra material to be added, and adds event handlers for type radio buttons and arrival date fields.
d. FunctionnameOnChange()
performs consistency checks on the input name, and calls servletSpecimenTubeServlet
with command "GetExtraMaterialInfo
" and callback functionextraMaterialInfoLoaded(response)
to perform checks requiring the database and create an item name.
e. FunctionextraMaterialInfoLoaded(response)
performs checks requiring the database and creates an item name, if no errors are found. For DNA and RNA items are checked that no previous item with same name and type exists. Suffix numbers for new specimen items are obtained by adding one to the highest suffix number of existing specimen items with the given name. For a new specimen, functionupdateSpecimenItemNames(currentName, highestSpecimenNumber)
is called to update item names.
f. FunctionupdateSpecimenItemNames(currentName, highestSpecimenNumber)
updates all item names for specimens with given name by adding numbers above those already used for specimens in the database.
g. FunctiontypeOnChange(event)
calls functionnameOnChange(event)
, since a change of type implies a change in suffix for item name.
h. FunctionarrivalDateOnChange(event)
performs date consistency checks for arrival date entries.
i. FunctionvalidateStep2(event)
performs basic validation checks (currently only that the number of extra material is valid).
j. Functionsubmit()
stores the input data in a JSON array and submits it to servletSpecimenTubeServlet
with command "CreateExtraMaterial
" and callback functionsubmissionResults(response)
using a "POST
" request.
k. FunctionsubmissionResults(response)
displays the response message after registration. - Java servlet class/file
a. Protected methodvoid doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
updated with new command "GetExtraMaterialInfo
". It obtains information of the number of specimen, DNA, and RNA items with a given input name, as well as the highest suffix number for specimens with that input name.
b. Protected methodvoid doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
updated with new command "CreateExtraMaterial
". It creates new extra material items, and for specimen items in the database, related DNA and RNA items.
comment:14 by , 10 years ago
Functional specification update:
- The Lab tracking protocol for Allprep isolation wizard should be updated to support registered extra material.
Design considerations:
In many cases this implies a simplification, since extra material now no longer represents a special case. One exception is the order in which items are listed in selection lists, tables, and protocols. It was decided that it is preferable to first list MeLuDI items, then extra material items.
The full update will be split up into several smaller parts. The first update fixes the selection and presentation steps of the wizard, while registration and support functions like creation of NanoDrop and qPCR sample ID files will be fixed later.
comment:15 by , 10 years ago
(In [3413]) Refs #792. Lab tracking protocol for Allprep isolation wizard updated in selection lists and presentation tables and protocols to list registered extra material items after MeLuDI items:
- JSP file
updated by removing code related to number of extra material items, since these are now included with the other items. - Javascript file
updated by removing code related to creating list of extra material items, since these are now included with the other items. - Java servlet class/file
a. Protected methodvoid doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
updated for command "GetUnprocessedItems
" to list MeLuDI items first, then extra material items, each sorted alphabetically in its group.
comment:16 by , 10 years ago
(In [3414]) Refs #792. Lab tracking protocol for Allprep isolation wizard updated in convenience method identifying specimen items from name to no longer exclude extra material items. This will allow creation of NanoDrop and qPCR sample ID files to include extra material items after MeLuDI items:
- Java servlet class/file
a. Private methodboolean itemIsSpecimen(String itemName)
updated to no longer require that a specimen item name starts with "ML
comment:17 by , 10 years ago
(In [3416]) Refs #792. Java servlet classes/files updated by referring to a single definition of item name prefix for MeLuDI items, placed in java class/file
in src/net/sf/basedb/meludi/
- Java class/file
updated with new public static final StringITEM_NAME_PREFIX
, set to "ML
". - Java servlet class/file
a. Protected methodvoid doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
updated for command "GetUnprocessedItems
" to refer toMeludi.ITEM_NAME_PREFIX
. - Java servlet class/file
a. Protected methodvoid doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
updated for command "GetLabelFile
" to refer toMeludi.ITEM_NAME_PREFIX
comment:18 by , 10 years ago
(In [3418]) Refs #792. Data access object class/file
in src/net/sf/basedb/meludi/dao/
updated with new public static method List<SpecimenTube> findByBaseName(DbControl dc, String name)
. It finds all specimen tubes that are linked by base name (name before first dot ".") to a given name. This change should have been included in change set [3412], since SpecimenTubeServlet
calls this method for command "GetExtraMaterialInfo
", that was introduced in that change set.
comment:19 by , 10 years ago
(In [3423]) Refs #792. In order for case summary to work for extra material items without a case, where the extra material item name is used instead of case name, suffix removal in different data access object methods should not rely on the case name to be of a specific length:
- Data access object class/file
updated in public static methodList<Dna> findByCaseName(DbControl dc, String name)
to remove suffices by checking for the first dot ".". - Data access object class/file
updated in public static methodList<Rna> findByCaseName(DbControl dc, String name)
to remove suffices by checking for the first dot ".". - Data access object class/file
updated in public static methodsList<SpecimenTube> findByCase(DbControl dc, Case theCase, String originalCaseName)
andList<SpecimenTube> findByCaseName(DbControl dc, String name)
to remove suffices by checking for the first dot ".".
comment:20 by , 10 years ago
Design discussion for updating the DNA/RNA extraction wizards to not include any library plate:
An ItemList
item, introduced in BASE v3.5.0, has previously been suggested as a candidate for storing the data currently stored in annotations for a start plate. However, a single ItemList
can only contain member items of identical types, such as samples and extracts. Since extract source items include specimens (samples) and DNA/RNA (extracts), it is not possible to store a general selection of extract source items in a single item list. Some solutions are:
- Storing all data in annotations, as was done with start plates. This means that one does not use the ability of an item list to contain other items, but just uses it as a "dummy" item to add annotations to.
Pro. Only minor modifications of the code are needed.
Con: When inspecting an item list in BASE, no links to the extract source items exist, only their names. - Storing extract source items in a pair of item lists, one for storing sample items, and one for storing extract items. The fact that two item lists are used for each selection should be hidden from the user. The item lists in a pair could be given names only differing by a suffix, e.g. ".s" for the one storing samples and ".e" for the one storing extracts, where the common basename without suffices is the one presented in selection lists.
Pro: When inspecting an item list in BASE, links to extract source items exist, although in two different item lists for a single selection.
Con: Requires more modification of the code. - Storing items in a single item list for extracts. A specimen is represented by its DNA child item, while input DNA and RNA items are stored directly. The fact that DNA child items are used to represent specimens should be hidden from the user.
Pro: When inspecting an item list in BASE, links to extract source items or their DNA child items exist. For specimens this means that one has to click at least twice to get to the desired specimen item overview.
Con: Requires more modification of the code.
For all solutions, data other than extract source items will be stored as annotations, just as for start plates. For technical reasons, the annotations cannot have exactly the same name as used for a start plate, but use of a common prefix can make the connection clear (the user should not have to know the internal name of the annotation).
After some consideration. solution 3 was chosen for updating the DNA/RNA extraction wizards. The downside of representing a specimen by its DNA child item, was compensated by having a single item list for each selection, links to items or its children in the BASE view, and the fact that the number of member items in an item list equals the number of selected extract source items.
comment:21 by , 10 years ago
(In [3430]) Refs #792. MeLuDI updated by adding new ItemList
annotations for storing sample prep data previously stored as annotations for a start DNA reaction plate. Also new annotation for keeping track on whether an item list has been processed or not:
- Data access object class/file
updated with new annotation types for item lists. - Java servlet class/file
updated in protected methodvoid doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
to include the new extract annotation types.
comment:22 by , 10 years ago
(In [3431]) Refs #792. MeLuDI updated by preparing for use of ItemList
objects to store extract source item selections, previously managed by start DNA reaction plates:
- Utility class/file
updated by adding new public static methodJSONObject getItemListAsJson(ItemList l)
. Value of the "size
" JSON key is set to the number of member items in the item list. - Utility class/file
updated with new static final StringSTART_LIST_NAME_PREFIX
. - New data access object class/file
added. It contains a constructor for creating aStartList
item from anItemList
, and public static methods for finding general and active start lists by name prefix.
comment:23 by , 10 years ago
(In [3432]) Refs #792. MeLuDI updated in main sample preparation wizards to use item lists to store extract source item selections and related data, instead of start DNA reaction plates:
- JSP file
updated to refer to new item list counters for sample preparation entries. - Most JSP and javascript files in
updated to use item lists to store extract source item selections and related data, instead of start DNA reaction plates. The exception is JSP and javascript files for pop-up dialogs used to edit some sample preparation data, since these are not invloved in storing or retrieving data from the database. - Java class/file
updated with counters for general and unprocessed start lists. - Java servlet class/file
a. Protected methodvoid doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
updated with new commands"GetStartItemLists"
, and"GetNextStartListName"
. The name of commend"GetSourceItemListFromStartItemList"
was chosen to be consistent with previous commands for getting source items, but unfortunately becomes ambiguous whenItemList
items were introduced; it should be interpreted as"Get list of source items from start ItemList"
b. Protected methodvoid doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
updated for commands"DownloadNanoDropSampleFile"
, and"DownloadReagentLotNoFile"
to use a start list name instead of start plate name as input.
c. Protected methodvoid doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
updated with new command"RegisterStartItemList"
d. Protected methodvoid doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
updated for command"RegisterDnaRna"
to use a start item list instead of start DNA reaction plate. Also updated to make the program more stable when trying to retrievefloat
values from non-existing variables.
e. New private convenience methodsboolean itemIsMeludiItem(String itemName)
,ItemList findItemListWithHighestNumber(DbControl dc, String itemListPrefix)
,List<String> fetchExtractSourceNameListFromItemList(DbControl dc, ItemList startList)
, andList<String> fetchExtractSourceNameListFromItemList(DbControl dc, ItemList startList, boolean meludiItemsFirst)
comment:24 by , 10 years ago
(In [3433]) Refs #792. MeLuDI sample preparation code refactored:
- Utility class/file
updated with five new public static methods, and one private static convenience method:
a.boolean itemIsSpecimen(String itemName)
b.boolean itemIsRna(String itemName)
c.boolean itemIsDna(String itemName)
d.boolean itemIsExtractSourceItem(String itemName)
e.boolean itemIsMeludiItem(String itemName)
f. Private static convenience methodint numberOfSpecificCharacters(String str, char c)
added. - Data access object class/file
updated with new public methods:
a.List<String> fetchExtractSourceNameListFromItemList(DbControl dc)
b.List<String> fetchExtractSourceNameListFromItemList(DbControl dc, boolean meludiItemsFirst)
. - Java servlet class/file
updated to use new public methods in classesMeludi
, instead of own private methods.
comment:25 by , 10 years ago
(In [3434]) Refs #792. MeLuDI updated in case summary to report start lists instead of start DNA reaction plates for items:
- JSP and javascript files
updated to report start lists instead of start DNA reaction plates for items. - Java servlet class/file
a. Protected methodvoid doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
updated for command "GetCaseInfo
" to report start lists instead of start DNA reaction plates for items.
b. New private methodItemList fetchStartList(DbControl dc, SpecimenTube st)
added. It calls new private methodItemList fetchStartList(DbControl dc, String name)
to get the start list from the specimen tube sample name.
c. New private methodItemList fetchStartList(DbControl dc, String name)
added. It finds the first start item list with the input item name represented in the member item list, or, in case of a specimen, as a parent item to one of the member items.
comment:26 by , 10 years ago
Functional specification update:
- The registration wizard for extra material should be updated with additional checks:
a. For DNA/RNA extract entries, it is currently checked that no item with the same name exists in the database. In addition, it should be checked that only one extract item of a specific type (DNA/RNA) and name exists in the input list. If more than one such entry exists in the input list, the first should be considered OK, while any other should be marked as invalid due to being a duplicate.
b. At start, all extra material entries in the list should be marked as invalid due to being missing.
c. Registration should be prohibited as long as any input entry is marked as invalid.
Design discussion:
All the changes above can be made in javascript file extramaterial.js
in resources/sampleproc/
. The desired duplicate check for extract items is complicated by the fact that change of an item's name or type, might not only affect the validity of the item itself, but also other items below it in the input list. Of the other items, both those with the old name and the new name might be affected; extract items in validity status, and specimen items in number suffix. The following calling chain of event handlers is proposed as a solution to this problem:
Function | Trigger event | Checks/Function calls |
typeOnChange(event) | Type change (DNA/RNA/Spec.) | Calls nameOnChange(event)
nameOnChange(event) | Name change, function call | Checks name consistency. If OK, Ajax call to SpecimenTubeServlet with command "GetExtraMaterialInfo " and callback function extraMaterialInfoLoaded(response)
extraMaterialInfoLoaded(response) | (Callback function) | a. Checks for duplicate extracts in database. b. Calls function checkExtractItemNames() to check validity of all entries.c. Sets valiidty of all extracts items, and number suffices for specimens. |
checkExtractItemNames() | Function call | Checks for duplicate extract names in list for all items. Result returned as JSONArray. |
Design update:
Javascript file extramaterial.js
in resources/sampleproc/
- Function
updated to set initial input status for all items to invalid due to missing name. - New global variable
added, initialized tofalse
. It is set totrue
at start of functionnameOnChange(event)
, and is then reset tofalse
if input status for any entry is set toinvalid
in this function orextraMaterialInfoLoaded(response)
. FunctionvalidateStep2(event)
checks its value, when determining if registration is possible. - Callback function
a. New functioncheckExtractItemNames()
is called to perform a check for duplicate extract names in input list. The result is used to mark all duplicate entries as invalid.
b. Value of new global variableExtraMaterialIsValid
is set tofalse
if input status for any entry is set toinvalid
. - New function
added. It performs a check for duplicate names of extracts in input list. The first occurrence is considered OK, while following are considered duplicates. Results are returned in a JSONArray, with valuefalse
for duplicates, elsetrue
comment:27 by , 10 years ago
(In [3435]) Refs #792. Registration wizard for extra material updated to check for duplicate extract entries in input list. Also initializing input status for all entries as invalid
due to missing name, and preventing registration, if input status for any entry is invalid
Javascript file extramaterial.js
in resources/sampleproc/
- Function
updated to set initial input status for all items to invalid due to missing name. - New global variable
added, initialized tofalse
. It is set totrue
at start of functionnameOnChange(event)
, and is then reset tofalse
if input status for any entry is set toinvalid
in this function orextraMaterialInfoLoaded(response)
. FunctionvalidateStep2(event)
checks its value, when determining if registration is possible. - Callback function
a. New functioncheckExtractItemNames()
is called to perform a check for duplicate extract names in input list. The result is used to mark all duplicate entries as invalid.
b. Value of new global variableExtraMaterialIsValid
is set tofalse
if input status for any entry is set toinvalid
. - New function
added. It performs a check for duplicate names of extracts in input list. The first occurrence is considered OK, while following are considered duplicates. Results are returned in a JSONArray, with valuefalse
for duplicates, elsetrue
comment:28 by , 10 years ago
(In [3436]) Refs #792. Lab tracking (protocol/)report for Allprep isolation updated in data section between header and item table to include lot numbers for Proteinase K and DNAse mix:
- JSP file
updated with tags for Proteinase K and DNAse mix lot numbers. - Javascript file
updated in functioninitializeProtocol(submitInfoJsonStr)
to retrieve values for Proteinase K and DNAse mix lot numbers from input JSON data and insert them in the created protocol. - Javascript file
updated in functioncreateProtocol()
to add Proteinase K and DNAse mix lot numbers to submitted JSON data. - Javascript file
updated in functioncreateProtocol()
to add Proteinase K and DNAse mix lot numbers to submitted JSON data.
comment:29 by , 10 years ago
Functional specification update:
- The Lab tracking (protocol/)report for Allprep isolation and the wizards creating them should be updated. The first three updates concerns data in the section between header and item table.
- Lot numbers for Proteinase K and DNAse mix should be included in the data section (the numbers are already available). This was included in change set 3436.
- The DNA/RNA registration/quantification wizard should be updated to allow change of the FFPE DNA/RNA kit lot number, originally input in the Lab tracking protocol for Allprep isolation wizard. Currently the value is displayed in the former wizard, but the input field is disabled.
- The DNA/RNA registration/quantification wizard should be updated to allow input of a Quality Control Template (QCT) lot number, and the value should be included in the report data section.
- The DNA/RNA registration/quantification wizard should be updated to set any negative concentration values to 0.
Design discussion:
- Regarding request (b) above: Allowing change of the FFPE DNA/RNA kit lot number in the DNA/RNA registration/quantification wizard: Since this value is stored as annotation
in the start item list, the latter should be updated with the new value, if it is changed in the DNA/RNA registration/quantification wizard.
comment:30 by , 10 years ago
(In [3437]) Refs #792. The DNA/RNA registration/quantification wizard updated to allow change of the FFPE DNA/RNA kit lot number:
- Javascript file
a. FunctionsourceItemListLoaded(response)
updated to not disable input field for FFPE DNA/RNA kit lot number. - Java servlet class/file
a. Protected methodvoid doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
updated for command "RegisterDnaRna
" to update the value of start item list annotationAnnotationtype.LIST_ALLPREP_FFPE_KIT
with value from input field in form.
comment:31 by , 10 years ago
(In [3438]) Refs #792. The DNA/RNA registration/quantification wizard updated to allow input of a Quality Control Template (QCT) lot number. The value is included in the (protocol)/report data section.
- JSP and javascript files in
updated to allow input of a Quality Control Template (QCT) lot number, which is included in the (protocol)/report data section. The code additions are based on that for Quality Control Primers (QCP) RGT number:
- Data access object class/file
updated with new extract annotation typeAnnotationtype.QUALITY_CONTROL_TEMPLATE_QCT
. - Java servlet class/file
updated in protected methodvoid doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
to include the new extract annotation type. - Java servlet class/file
updated to support a Quality Control Template (QCT) lot number. The code additions are based on that for Quality Control Primers (QCP) RGT number.
comment:32 by , 10 years ago
(In [3439]) Refs #792. DNA/RNA registration/quantification wizard updated to set any negative concentration values to 0:
- Javascript file
updated in functionsrnaConcOnChange(event)
to set any input negative concentration value to 0.
comment:33 by , 10 years ago
(In [3440]) Refs #792. MeLuDI has been updated in parts of the existing code, as a preparation for the first library preparation wizards:
- Java convenience class/file
has been updated with javadoc comments on methods, used to identify certain types of items from their names. Some of the algorithms used may work at present, but not when more item types are added. Accurate javadoc documentation should hopefully inform, if a method is appropriate or not in future situations. - Data access object class/file
has been updated to allow a snapshot manager to be specified in methods fetching annotation values. - Data access object class/file
has been updated with new methods for obtaining names of items of a specific type from an item list. - Java servlet class/file
has been updated by using snapshot manager, when obtaining annotations, refactoring commands to get start plates by calling a new private convenience methodJSONArray fetchStartItemLists(DbControl dc, Boolean processed, Boolean orderDesc)
, and adding new command for finding items from members of start item lists.
comment:34 by , 10 years ago
Functional specification update:
- In order to facilitate the change from storing item data for the DNA/RNA extraction step in annotations for a start DNA plate to a start item list, a wizard creating start lists from start plates should be added to the
section. This wizard is only intended to be used once, when upgrading from version v1.2.* to v1.3, and might therefore be removed in future versions.
The following assumptions must be met for success:
- The start plate contains a list of all related MeLuDI item names as annotation.
- The start plate contains a list of all related extra material names as annotation.
- All related specimens and extracts have already been created with the specified names.
For each start plate, a start item list will be created, with the following properties:
- The start list name is that of the start plate with prefix "
" exchanged for "SL
". - All relevant start plate annotations are copied to corresponding start list annotations.
- Items named in start plate annotations are added as start list members (DNA child extracts represent specimens).
- An optional start plate creation date is stored in start list "
" annotation.
Storage of the start plate creation date in an item list annotation was chosen, as creation events are not defined for item lists. Since a set creation date for a start plate in MeLuDI v1.2.* indicates that the plate has been processed, i.e. that concentration and delta-Ct values have been registered for MeLuDI DNA/RNA, it might be argued that annotation "SamplePrepListIsProcessed
" for the created start list should be set to true
, in order t0 indicate that the start list has been processed. However, this is normally only true for converted item lists without extra material, since concentration and delta-Ct values were only registered for MeLuDI items in v1.2.*, but not for extra material. Setting the value of annotation "SamplePrepListIsProcessed
" to true
, would have prevented using the DNA/RNA registration/quantification wizard to register the latter values for the start list. Previously registered values for MeLuDI extracts will be displayed in the input form as a practical side effect, so these values need not be re-entered. Unfortunately, the latter is not true for kit lot numbers. The following procedure is therefore recommended to register additional values for an item list:
i. Open the item list in the "Lab tracking protocol/report copy" wizard.
ii. In step 2, after existing kit lot number values have been loaded, click button to download values to a reagent lot no. file. Cancel this wizard when ready.
iii. Open the item list in the "DNA/RNA registration/quantification" wizard.
iv. In step 2, select to import kit lot numbers from the file saved in (ii).
v. In step 3, enter the missing concentration and delta-Ct values for extra material, and complete the registration.
After controlling the created start lists, the start plates may be deleted. The latter will reappear in the library preparation wizards, when they are to be filled with samples (though not necessarily the same samples as were previously related to it via annotations).
Design update:
- JSP file
updated in "admin
" section with new entry "Create start lists from start DNA plates", with link to JSP filecreate_start_list_from_start_plate.jsp
. - New JSP file
added. It contains a single step and is coupled to new javascript filecreate_start_list_from_start_plate.js
. - New javascript file
added. It presents a list of all available start DNA plates, from which any number may be selected. When the "Register" button is pressed, java servletExtractionServlet
will be called with new command "CreateStartListsFromStartPlates
" to create start item lists for the selected start DNA plates. - Java servlet class/file
updated in protected methodvoid doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
with new command "CreateStartListsFromStartPlates
" for creating start item lists for the selected start DNA plates.
comment:35 by , 10 years ago
(In [3441]) Refs #792. MeLuDI "admin" section updated with new entry for facilitating the change from storing item data for the DNA/RNA extraction step in annotations for a start DNA plate to a start item list. A new wizard will create start lists from selected start plates. This wizard is only intended to be used once, when upgrading from version v1.2.* to v1.3, and might therefore be removed in future versions.
- JSP file
updated in "admin
" section with new entry "Create start lists from start DNA plates", with link to JSP filecreate_start_list_from_start_plate.jsp
. - New JSP file
added. It contains a single step and is coupled to new javascript filecreate_start_list_from_start_plate.js
. - New javascript file
added. It presents a list of all available start DNA plates, from which any number may be selected. When the "Register" button is pressed, java servletExtractionServlet
will be called with new command "CreateStartListsFromStartPlates
" to create start item lists for the selected start DNA plates. - Java servlet class/file
updated in protected methodvoid doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
with new command "CreateStartListsFromStartPlates
" for creating start item lists for the selected start DNA plates.
comment:36 by , 10 years ago
(In [3442]) Refs #792. Lab tracking protocol/report copy wizard updated in report section to calculate QIAcube position from item position in form, if no QIAcube position can be found as annotation for an extract. This might happen when a report is produced for a start item list created from a start DNA plate, as extract data was not registered for extra material, in MeLuDI versions prior to v1.3:
- Javascript file
updated in functioninitializeStep3b(response)
to calculate QIAcube position from item position in form, if no QIAcube position can be found as annotation for an extract.
comment:37 by , 10 years ago
(In [3443]) Refs #792. MeLuDI "admin" section updated by placing entry for creating start lists from selected start plates in new sub-section "Special conversion tools":
- JSP file
updated in "admin
" section by placing entry for creating start lists from selected start plates in new sub-section "Special conversion tools". - New image
added. It is intended to be used to indicate various tool sections.
comment:38 by , 10 years ago
(In [3444]) Refs #792. MeLuDI counter service updated to support counting processed start item lists:
- Java service class/file
updated in private methodvoid countItemLists(DbControl dc, JSONObject json)
by addition of a counter for processed start item lists, coupled to JSON key "start-lists-processed
comment:39 by , 10 years ago
(In [3445]) Refs #792. MeLuDI updated in wizard for creating start item lists from start DNA plates to mark a created start item list as processed, if the source start plate is so marked, and no extra material is related to the start list:
- Java servlet class/file
updated in protected methodvoid doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
for command "CreateStartListsFromStartPlates
" to mark a created start item list as processed if the source start plate is so marked, and no extra material is related to the start list. The start item list is indicated as processed by setting value of Boolean annotationAnnotationtype.SAMPLE_PREP_LIST_IS_PROCESSED
comment:40 by , 10 years ago
(In [3446]) Refs #792. MeLuDI updated to allow a maximum delta-Ct value filter when obtaining DNA items from start item lists:
- Java servlet class/file
updated in protected methodvoid doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
for command "GetListOfItemsFromStartItemLists
" to accept an inputFloat
parameter "maxDeltaCt
", and if the latter is notnull
, only include DNA items with values of delta-Ct < the given max delta-Ct value.
comment:41 by , 10 years ago
(In [3447]) Refs #792. MeLuDI updated to allow a check on whether a start plate with a given name already exists:
- Java servlet class/file
updated in protected methodvoid doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
with new command "CheckIfStartPlateNameUsed
" to check if a start plate exists with a given name. The result is returned as a JSON object with the name and optional id of the found start plate.
comment:42 by , 10 years ago
A special ticket has been created to collect code changes related to the first version of library preparation wizards, Ticket #801 (MeLuDI library preparation wizards first version). Code changes in this category to MeLuDI v1.3 will recorded both there and in this ticket.
comment:43 by , 10 years ago
(In [3448]) Refs #792. MeLuDI updated by removing filter for maximum delta-Ct value from Extraction servlet, since this filter is now completely implemented in javascript:
- Java servlet class/file
updated in protected methodvoid doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
for command "GetListOfItemsFromStartItemLists
" by removing filter for maximum delta-Ct value from Extraction servlet, since this filter is now completely implemented in javascript. Removal of code for the unused filter will hopefully increase readability of the code.
comment:44 by , 10 years ago
(In [3449]) Refs #801. Refs #792. First experimental version of library preparation wizards for MeLuDI:
Updates of previous files:
- XML servlet configuration file
updated with entries for new servlet classesLibPrepServlet
. - JSP file
updated with new section for library preparation wizards, containing links to three wizards. In view of the experimental character of the latter (especially the ones related to protocol creation and barcode assignment), the section header has been given the extra caution "(Experimental - For testing only)
". - CSS file
updated by increasing the well width from 90 to 100 pixels, in view of the longer storage location names in MeLuDI, relative to Reggie. - Data access object class/file
updated with new annotation types related to library preparation. - Data access object class/file
updated with new bioplate typeLIBRARY
, and allowing plate name prefix and number of digits in name to be editable. - Data access object class/file
updated with new public static methodList<Dna> toList(Collection<Extract> extracts)
. - Data access object class/file
updated with new rolesLIBRARY_PREP
. - Data access object class/file
updated by adding new attributeString itemSuffix
, and new public methodBasicItem getLatestProjectDefault(DbControl dc)
. - Java servlet class/file
updated in protected methodvoid doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
to include the new extract annotation types, and install barcodes.
New files related to library preparation:
- CSS file
added. It is a modified version ofplate.css
, that restricts highlights to the left half of the plate, since any change in that half should be replicated with a corresponding change in the right half. - Image file
added. - JSP and javascript files related to the first version of library preparation wizards added to
a. assign_barcodes.js
b. assign_barcodes.jsp
c. auto_select_dna.js
d. auto_select_dna.jsp
e. dna_protocol.js
f. dna_protocol.jsp
g. dna_protocol2.jsp
h. libprep_protocol.js
i. libprep_protocol.jsp
j. libprep_protocol2.jsp
k. pools.js
l. select_dna.js
m. select_dna.jsp
n. select_dna_for_start_plate.js
o. select_dna_for_start_plate.jsp
p. select_file.js
q. select_file.jsp - Data access object classes/files
added. - Java servlet classes/files
comment:45 by , 10 years ago
comment:46 by , 10 years ago
comment:48 by , 10 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | assigned → closed |
Ticket closed as MeLuDI version 1.3.1 has been created.
Ticket accepted.