Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #740

Feb 19, 2015, 2:52:07 PM (9 years ago)
Nicklas Nordborg


  • Ticket #740 – Description

    initial v1  
    33The reprocessing starts at the partition wizard which should get two selection lists. One for the normal flow and one list for the items to reprocess. If items are selected from the reprocessing list it should be possible to generate a protocol with a pick list so that the specimen tubes can be found in the freezer.
    5 The second step in the wizard should be more or less as before. It should be clearly noted which specimen are being reprocessed and which are from the regular flow (important if mixing). It should be possible to take a histology piece for all items, but it is usually not done for reprocessed items and the histology weight should default to 0.
     5The second step in the wizard need some changes:
    7 New positions should be generated for the reprocessed items since it has a number of advantages:
    8  * It will be easier to put everything in the freezer again in just one box
    9  * Downstream wizards which simply generate positions for other items (eg. Lysate, DNA, RNA, etc.) can continue to work as before
     7 * It should be clearly noted which specimen are being reprocessed and which are from the regular flow (important if mixing).
     8 * It should be possible to take a histology piece for all items, but it is usually not done for reprocessed items and the histology weight should default to 0.
     9 * The `OperatorPartionComment` and `NofPieces` annotations should be displayed but not be modifiable.
     10 * New positions should be generated for the reprocessed items since it has a number of advantages:
     11  * It will be easier to put everything in the freezer again in just one box.
     12  * Downstream wizards which simply generate positions for other items (eg. Lysate, DNA, RNA, etc.) can continue to work as before.