Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#349 closed enhancement (fixed)

Copy consent information to multiple cases

Reported by: Nicklas Nordborg Owned by: Nicklas Nordborg
Priority: critical Milestone: Reggie v2.2
Component: net.sf.basedb.reggie Keywords:


There are some use-cases where it would make sense to duplicate the consent annotations on both cases. One example is the bi-lateral case:

There are two batches with specimen tubes and two case numbers, but there is only one consent form with a case number randomly chosen from one of the cases.

This affects the 'Consent form registration wizard'. If personal information for the given case exists, it should check if there are other cases for the same patient and display a check box (enabled by default) for duplicating the consent annotation to the other case.

It also affects the 'Personal information registration wizard'. If the patient already exists, it should check if there is consent information registered for the other case and display a check box (enabled by default) for duplicating the consent information to the new case.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Nicklas Nordborg, 13 years ago

Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Nicklas Nordborg, 13 years ago

(In [1521]) References #349: Copy consent information to multiple cases

The consent registration wizard will now load and check existing consent for all cases and blood samples linked with the given patient. It allows the user to select exactly which cases and blood samples to register. The wizard can be repeated at a later time to register consent for more cases/blood samples.

comment:3 by Nicklas Nordborg, 13 years ago

(In [1523]) References #349: Copy consent information to multiple cases

The personal information registration now checks if there is a case or blood sample with consent information and allows copying of that information to a new case.

comment:4 by Nicklas Nordborg, 13 years ago

(In [1524]) References #349: Copy consent information to multiple cases

The blood registration now checks if there is a case with consent information and allows copying of that information to the blood sample.

comment:5 by Nicklas Nordborg, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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