#1545 closed enhancement (fixed)

Add support for items with multiple parent items

Reported by: Nicklas Nordborg Owned by: Nicklas Nordborg
Priority: blocker Milestone: Relax v1.7
Component: net.sf.basedb.relax Keywords:


In Reggie 4.51 the release exporter will include CopyNumber items (see #1543). They have two parent items. One tumor and one normal AlignedSequences. The release importer should have support for this. Reggie will export the names of the parent items as an array under the tag "parents".

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Nicklas Nordborg, 13 months ago

Owner: set to Nicklas Nordborg
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 7463:

Fixes #1545: Add support for items with multiple parent items

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