
Version 3 (modified by Nicklas Nordborg, 6 years ago) ( diff )


Updating to Reggie 4.21

Note! The first step should be done before the update is installed. The remaining steps can be made before or after the installation, but in both cases it is important that nobody is creating new items before all steps have been completed.

1. Rename the "Not asked" subtype to "NotAsked"

Go to Administrate -> Types -> Item subtypes, locate the Not asked subtype and change the name to NotAsked.

2. Rename all "NotAsked" biosource items

All biosource items with a name that starts with Not asked should be renamed so that they start with NotAsked instead. The numeric value that follows should not be changed. This should be fairly easy by exporting a file with the internal ID and name of all items, change the names and then importing the file back to BASE using a batch importer. Note that the value of the "Identification method" parameter should be set to "Internal ID".

Tip! This step can also be used to create the External ID values for the NotAsked items (see below).

3. Assign release ID values to No, NotAsked, Retract and RetroNo items

Ticket #1077 is assigning unique release ID values to all biosource items that are not patient items. The release ID is a text value consisting of a single-letter prefix and six digits.

Item type Prefix Note
No & RetroNo N
NotAsked Z
Retract R Existing items that have a Qnnn external id should also be updated

All existing items need to be assigned external ID values. A simple procedure is to export 3 data files with the internal ID of each item. One file for No and RetroNo items, one file for NotAsked items, and one file for Retract items. Use a spreadsheet program to add a second column with auto-generated release ID values. Import the text files back into BASE using the built-in batch importer plug-ins. It is of course also possible to do this with a single file. Just make sure that the correct prefix is used for each of the item types.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.