
Version 1 (modified by Nicklas Nordborg, 8 years ago) ( diff )

Started to write the "How to use" documentation

How to use the Open Grid Scheduler package API

In this document we will try to describe the main aspects of the programmatic API that other extensions can use in order to access and use Open Grid Clusters.

Enumerating Open Grid Clusters

The OpenGridService class is typically the starting point for a lot of actions. From this class it is possible to get information about and access all cluster that has been defined in the opengrid-config.xml file. The service is a singleton instance. Use the OpenGridService.getInstance() method to get the object. Note! It is important that the service is actually running inside BASE. Check the Administrate->Services page that this is the case.

To enumerate the available Open Grid Clusters use one of the OpenGridService.getClusters() methods. This will return a collection of OpenGridCluster instances. Most methods in this class are used for getting configuration information from the opengrid-config.xml file. The OpenGridCluster.getId() method returns the internal ID of the cluster definition. It is created by combining the username, address and port of the cluster (for example, The ID can the be used with OpenGridService.getClusterById() to directly access the same cluster later on. Other useful information can be found in the objects returned by calling OpenGridCluster.getConnectionInfo() and OpenGridCluster.getConfig(). The OpenGridCluster.asJSONObject() contains more or less the same information wrapped up as JSON data. This is useful for transferring information a web interface to allow a user to select a cluster to work with.

Java code in a servlet running on the BASE web server

DbControl dc = ... // We need an open DbControl from BASE

// Options specifying which (extra) information that we want to return
// Use JSONOptions.DEFAULT to only return the minimal information
JSONOptions options = new JSONOptions();

OpenGridService service = OpenGridService.getInstance();
JSONArray jsonHosts = new JSONArray();

// Enumerates all clusters that the current user has access to
for (OpenGridCluster host : service.getClusters(dc, Include.ALL))

return jsonHosts; // This is what we transfer to the web client via AJAX

JavaScript code running in the web browser the current user is using

// In the web client use the JSON data to populate a <select> list
var list = document.getElementById('cluster-list');
list.length = 0;

var clusters = response; // Response contains an array with cluster information
for (var i = 0; i < clusters.length; i++)
   var cluster = clusters[i];
   var option = new Option(,;
   option.cluster = cluster;
   list[list.length] = option;

Note that there is no need to use the OpenGridCluster.connect() method yet.

Creating a job script

Submitting a job

Getting notified when a job completes

Aborting jobs

Advanced usage

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