Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of net.sf.basedb.opengrid/install

Feb 14, 2017, 9:27:46 AM (8 years ago)
Nicklas Nordborg

The ${WD} was also incorrect.


  • net.sf.basedb.opengrid/install

    v6 v7  
    4848|| '''Sub-tag''' || '''Required''' || '''Default value''' || '''Description''' ||
    49 || `<job-folder>` || yes || || The path to a folder on the Open Grid Cluster that BASE can use to send job scripts and data files to/from the cluster. This folder must be accessible from all nodes in the cluster. A unique subfolder is created for each job that is submitted to the cluster. Job scripts may access this subfolder using the `{$WD}` variable. Files are NOT automatically deleted after the job has finished. ||
     49|| `<job-folder>` || yes || || The path to a folder on the Open Grid Cluster that BASE can use to send job scripts and data files to/from the cluster. This folder must be accessible from all nodes in the cluster. A unique subfolder is created for each job that is submitted to the cluster. Job scripts may access this subfolder using the `${WD}` variable. Files are NOT automatically deleted after the job has finished. ||
    5050|| `<tmp-folder>` || no || ${TMPDIR} || The path to a directory for storing temporary working data. It is recommended that the path is to a local disk on each node. The default value is to use the folder assigned by the Open Grid Cluster. Job scripts may access this subfolder using the `${TMPDIR}` variable. This folder and all files within it is typically deleted once the job has finished. ||
    5151|| `<tmp-folder-debug>` || no ||  || Alternative temporary folder that is used when submitting jobs with the debug flag. This can for example be set to a location that is not deleted automatically. If no value is specified the regular temporary folder is used. ||