Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of net.sf.basedb.opengrid/install

Apr 21, 2022, 9:22:52 AM (2 years ago)
Nicklas Nordborg

Update documentation for Job scheduler 1.5


  • net.sf.basedb.opengrid/install

    v10 v11  
    2323|| '''Attribute''' || '''Required''' || '''Description''' ||
    24 || type || no || The type of cluster. Valid values are `opengrid` and `slurm`. If not specified `opengrid` is assumed. (Since 1.4) ||
     24|| type || no || The type of cluster. Valid values are `opengrid`, `slurm` and `direct` (Since 1.5). If not specified `opengrid` is assumed. (Since 1.4) ||
    2525|| name || yes || A readable name that is intended to be used in interfaces with users. ||
    2626|| address || yes || Network address or IP number to the master host of the cluster. ||
    6767|| `<date-command>` || no || `date +'%Y-%m-%d %T'` || A command to run on the cluster to get the current date and time. This information is used for correcting the running time of jobs if the clocks are different on the BASE server and the cluster. The command must return the date and time in `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss` format (for example: `2017-01-12 10:40:15`) ||
    6868|| `<host-info-command>` || no || `uname -srmo` || A command to run on the cluster to get information about the operating system. It is used only for informational purposes. ||
    69 || `<opengrid-info-command>` || no || `qstat -help | head -n1` (!OpenGrid)[[BR]] `sinfo -V` (Slurm) || A command to run on the cluster to get information about the cluster software. This is currently only used for informational purposes, but in the future this information may be used for feature-detection. ||
     69|| `<opengrid-info-command>` || no || `qstat -help | head -n1` (!OpenGrid)[[BR]] `sinfo -V` (Slurm)[[BR]]`cat /etc/os-release  | grep PRETTY_NAME | cut -d '\"' -f 2` (Direct) || A command to run on the cluster to get information about the cluster software. This is currently only used for informational purposes, but in the future this information may be used for feature-detection. ||
    7070|| `<job-agent-id>` || no || || Links the cluster to a job agent that is defined in BASE via the external ID. When this value exists the job agent is used as a proxy for access permissions. BASE users need to have USE permission for the job agent in order to use the cluster. Note that the job agent is not used for anything else. Do not set a server and/or port. The job agent software should not be installed on the cluster. Clusters that are not linked to a job agent proxy can be used by all users. ||
    7171|| `<nodes>` || no || || A list with one or more `<node name="..." />` elements identifying individual nodes in the cluster. Individual nodes are not used by this extension, but may be required by other extensions for doing tasks that can't be scheduled as jobs (for example, parsing out data from result files that should be stored in BASE). The list of nodes that can be used for this is configured here simply as a service for other extensions. Typically, one or two nodes can be set aside for this and it is recommended that actions are quick and not too resource consuming. Extensions that require access to nodes should document this requirement. ||