Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of net.sf.basedb.meludi.background_software_info

Dec 9, 2015, 4:44:01 PM (9 years ago)



  • net.sf.basedb.meludi.background_software_info

    v6 v7  
    2222=== 1.5 Pipeline management ===
    23 MeLuDI, like Reggie, is intended to simplify keeping track on what items are of interest in each step of the processing pipeline, e.g. by only including those item in selection menus for a particular step. In some cases, this is simple, since child items are created at registration in several steps, and will then be input items in the next step.
     23MeLuDI, like Reggie, is intended to simplify keeping track on what items are of interest in each step of the processing pipeline, e.g. by only including those item in selection menus for a particular step. In some cases, this is simple, since child items are created at registration in several steps, and will then be input items in the next step. One case where the details of MeLuDI keeps track of what steps an item has passed, is when you want to undo a step by deleting child items created in the last step, from the BASE GUI. Sometimes this is not enough to allow you to redo the last step in MeLuDI, since the needed items do not appear in selection menus, if the software still considers them to have passed the step in question.
     25==== 1.5.1 Processed start lists ====