Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of doc/net.sf.basedb.meludi.usermanual_03_case_registration

Dec 1, 2016, 4:59:03 PM (8 years ago)

Typo fixed.


  • doc/net.sf.basedb.meludi.usermanual_03_case_registration

    v2 v3  
    3131Background: Originally, the suggest start case number was the largest case number of stored case items. However, one often wanted to print labels for a batch of case numbers in advance. If a new batch of labels was created before all cases in the previous batch had been registered, the generated sets of label numbers might overlap. In order to decrease this risk, it was decided to instead store the largest case number for a downloaded batch of labels (preview does not affect this), and use that to determine the next start case number.
    33 Problems may arise, if one needs to generate new labels for lower case numbers, since the stored "largest" case number would the be re-set to a smaller value. The recommended routine is then to generate an extra "bogus" label file afterwards for only one case, where one sets the start case name to have a number which is one less than the start case name before the extra labels were generated. After this file is downloaded, the stored largest case number will be the same as before, the extra low-number labels were generated.
     33Problems may arise, if one needs to generate new labels for lower case numbers, since the stored "largest" case number would the be re-set to a smaller value. The recommended routine is then to generate an extra "bogus" label file afterwards for only one case, where one sets the start case name to have a number which is one less than the start case name before the extra labels were generated. After this file is downloaded, the stored largest case number will be the same as before the extra low-number labels were generated.