Changes between Version 317 and Version 318 of PluginDownload

Jan 17, 2023, 2:28:57 PM (19 months ago)
Nicklas Nordborg

Released Reggie 4.42 and Job scheduler 1.8


  • PluginDownload

    v317 v318  
    1717|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.mev MEV Launcher 1.11] || Extension + Export || 3.3 || Lund team || Integrates BASE with [ TIGR Multi Experiment Viewer] (MEV) ||
    1818|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.normalizers Normalization package 1.0 and 1.1-beta2] || Normalization || 3.0 and 3.2.4 || Lund team || A package with different kinds of normalization plug-ins. ||
    19 || [wiki:net.sf.basedb.opengrid Job scheduler extension 1.5] || API || 3.19 || Lund team || A package that provides an API and services for other extensions that want to submit and monitor jobs on an Open Grid Scheduler or Slurm cluster. ||
     19|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.opengrid Job scheduler extension 1.8] || API || 3.19 || Lund team || A package that provides an API and services for other extensions that want to submit and monitor jobs on an Open Grid Scheduler or Slurm cluster. ||
    2020|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.otp OTP login 1.3] || Authentication || 3.15 || Lund team || A package for authenticating users with one-time passcodes (Google authenticator compatible) ||
    2121|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.print Print package 1.5] || Extension || 3.18.1 || Lund team || An extension that add better support for printing from BASE. ||
    22 || [wiki:net.sf.basedb.reggie Reggie 4.41] || Extension || 3.19 || Lund team || An extension that adds a specialized interface for registering biosources, samples and extracts. ||
     22|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.reggie Reggie 4.42] || Extension || 3.19 || Lund team || An extension that adds a specialized interface for registering biosources, samples and extracts. ||
    2323|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.relax Relax 1.6] || Extension || 3.15 || Lund team || An extension for batch importing of data created by the "Release export" plug-in in the Reggie package. ||
    2424|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.skincollection Skin collection 1.2] || Skins || 3.18.1 || Lund team || An extension that provides a few alternate skins for BASE ||