Changes between Version 124 and Version 125 of PluginDownload

Nov 3, 2011, 9:33:18 AM (13 years ago)
Nicklas Nordborg

Releasing Normalization package 1.0-beta


  • PluginDownload

    v124 v125  
    1717|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.illumina Illumina plug-ins package 1.7] || Add array platform || 3.0 || Lund team || A package of plug-ins for Illumina Sentrix and Illumina SNP arrays. ||
    1818|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.mev MEV Launcher 1.8] || Extension + Export || 3.0 || Lund team || Integrates BASE with [ TIGR Multi Experiment Viewer] (MEV) ||
     19|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.normalizers Normalization package 1.1-beta] || Normalization || 3.0 || Lund team || A package with different kinds of normalization plug-ins. ||
    1920|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.examples.webservices Web service examples 3.0] || Examples || 3.0 || Lund team || A package with a Java client application that uses web services to get information from a BASE server ||
    4243|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.illumina Illumina plug-ins package 1.6] * || Add array platform || 2.16 || Lund team || A package of plug-ins for Illumina Sentrix and Illumina SNP arrays. ||
    4344|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.mev MEV Launcher 1.7] * || Extension + Export || 2.16 || Lund team || Integrates BASE with [ TIGR Multi Experiment Viewer] (MEV) ||
    44 || [wiki:net.sf.basedb.normalizers Normalization package] || Normalization || 2.7 || Lund team || A package with different kinds of normalization plug-ins. ||
     45|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.normalizers Normalization package] * || Normalization || 2.7 || Lund team || A package with different kinds of normalization plug-ins. ||
    4546|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.reggie Reggie 1.5] || Extension || 2.17.1 || Lund team || An extension that adds a specialized interface for registering biosources and samples. ||
    4647|| [ Tab2MageExporter] || Export || 2.14.1 || None || Exports an experiment meta-data in the tab2mage specification. ||