Changes between Version 122 and Version 123 of PluginDownload

Nov 2, 2011, 2:46:35 PM (13 years ago)
Nicklas Nordborg

Releasing Illumina plug-ins 1.7


  • PluginDownload

    v122 v123  
    1414|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.examplecode Example code 1.3] || Examples || 3.0 || Lund team || A package with several "Hello world" examples and other extensions and plug-ins ||
    1515|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.ftp FTP Server 1.2] || Extension || 3.0 || Lund team || An extension that adds an FTP server to BASE, making it possible to upload/download files to/from BASE using regular FTP client software ||
     16|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.illumina Illumina plug-ins package 1.7] || Add array platform || 3.0 || Lund team || A package of plug-ins for Illumina Sentrix and Illumina SNP arrays. ||
    1617|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.mev MEV Launcher 1.8] || Extension + Export || 3.0 || Lund team || Integrates BASE with [ TIGR Multi Experiment Viewer] (MEV) ||
    1718|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.examples.webservices Web service examples 3.0] || Examples || 3.0 || Lund team || A package with a Java client application that uses web services to get information from a BASE server ||
    3839|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.ftp FTP Server 1.1] * || Extension || 2.16 || Lund team || An extension that adds an FTP server to BASE, making it possible to upload/download files to/from BASE using regular FTP client software ||
    3940|| [wiki:nl.unimaas.bigcat.GCRMA GCRMA] || Normalization || 2.0 || Patrick Ahles || Normalization of Affymetrix data ||
    40 || [wiki:net.sf.basedb.illumina Illumina plug-ins package 1.6] || Add array platform || 2.16 || Lund team || A package of plug-ins for Illumina Sentrix and Illumina SNP arrays. ||
     41|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.illumina Illumina plug-ins package 1.6] * || Add array platform || 2.16 || Lund team || A package of plug-ins for Illumina Sentrix and Illumina SNP arrays. ||
    4142|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.mev MEV Launcher 1.7] * || Extension + Export || 2.16 || Lund team || Integrates BASE with [ TIGR Multi Experiment Viewer] (MEV) ||
    4243|| [wiki:net.sf.basedb.normalizers Normalization package] || Normalization || 2.7 || Lund team || A package with different kinds of normalization plug-ins. ||