Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #851, comment 3

Feb 17, 2016, 5:02:15 PM (8 years ago)


  • Ticket #851, comment 3

    initial v1  
    33 * The follow-up step of the retraction wizard should be updated in step 2, where a number of input fields for dates are shown:[[BR]]a. Each set of date input fields for laboratory samples, blood samples, frozen samples, samples in other projects, and retraction of data sent to RCC Syd, should be preceded by a check box, to be checked when the corresponding date set is N/A. Initially the check boxes should be unchecked.[[BR]]b. If a "N/A" check box is checked, the corresponding date field[s] should be emptied and disabled, and at registration, the corresponding dates should be ignored, when determining if data for patient and case is ready for destruction.[[BR]]c. The status of the check boxes should be stored at registration, and when the wizard is re-opened, the form should be identical to when is was last registered.[[BR]]d. An extra status line should be added at the bottom of the form, indicating if data for patient and case will be ready for destruction, if registration is performed with the current form content.
     5Design comment:
     7The status icons on each row with date input fields will indicate that a date is valid, if it is a correct date or blank, since these are allowed values for registration.
    59Design update: