15 | | 4. JSP file `inspect_libprep_kit_data.jsp` in `resources/´libprep/` updated by exchanging "available" for "active" in the library preparation kit filter menu. |
16 | | 5. Javascript file `inspect_libprep_kit_data.js` in `resources/´libprep/` updated. |
17 | | 6. Javascript file `select_dna_for_start_plate.js` in `resources/´libprep/` updated. |
| 15 | 4. JSP file `inspect_libprep_kit_data.jsp` in `resources/´libprep/` updated by exchanging "Available" for "Active" in the library preparation kit filter menu. |
| 16 | 5. Javascript file `inspect_libprep_kit_data.js` in `resources/´libprep/` updated by exchanging name of flag "Available" for "Active". Function `updateDetailsTable()` updated to display the negation of kit attribute `inactive` value as "`yes`" or "`no`".. |
| 17 | 6. Javascript file `select_dna_for_start_plate.js` in `resources/´libprep/` updated in function `kitPlatesInfoLoaded(response)` by changing names of variables related to the `inactive` attribute of a kit. The "Available" and "available "part of the name was exchanged for "Active" and "active", respectively. Corresponding changes were made in displayed text. |