Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of Ticket #801, comment 169

Jan 12, 2016, 8:30:07 AM (9 years ago)


  • Ticket #801, comment 169

    v9 v10  
    1111Design update:
    13  1. JSP file `select_dna_for_start_plate.jsp` in `resources/libprep/` updated:[[BR]]a. Links for creating a lab protocol in either list view or plate view inserted below the plate layout, above the button for creating a library preparation file for the Illumina MiSeq software.[[BR]]b. A new form tag with name "`meludi2`" added, with an action coupled to new external JSP file `libprep_plate_protocol2.jsp`.[[BR]]c. Tag id "`tsLibPrepKitNo`" for start plate library preparation kit exchanged for "`tsLibPrepKit`".
     13 1. JSP file `select_dna_for_start_plate.jsp` in `resources/libprep/` updated:[[BR]]a. Links for creating a lab protocol in either list view or plate view inserted below the plate layout, above the button for creating a library preparation file for the Illumina !MiSeq software.[[BR]]b. A new form tag with name "`meludi2`" added, with an action coupled to new external JSP file `libprep_plate_protocol2.jsp`.[[BR]]c. Tag id "`tsLibPrepKitNo`" for start plate library preparation kit exchanged for "`tsLibPrepKit`".
    1414 2. Javascript file `select_dna_for_start_plate.js` in `resources/libprep/` updated:[[BR]]a. Function `initPage()` updated by adding event handlers for clicks on new lab protocol links coupled to new function `viewProtocol()`. Also removal of unused code.[[BR]]b. Function `downloadLibPrepFile()` updated by obtaining bioplate data for submit info by calling new function `fetchBioplateData()`.[[BR]]c. New function `fetchBioplateData()` added. It contains code previously in function `downloadLibPrepFile()`, in order to make it available to other functions.[[BR]]d. Function `createProtocol()` updated by obtaining submit info for bioplate by calling new function `fetchSubmitInfo()`. Call of function `JSON.stringify(submitInfo)` to obtain string to store in hidden form field exchanged for call of function `JSON.stringify(submitInfo, circular_reference_remover)`, where second argument is new function `circular_reference_remover(key, value)`, that removes any circular references in input JSON object.[[BR]]e. New function `fetchSubmitInfo()` added. It contains code previously in function `createProtocol()`, in order to make it available to other functions.[[BR]]f. New function `viewProtocol(event)` added. It calls new function `fetchBioplateData()` to obtain bioplate data for submit info, and new function `fetchSubmitInfo()` to obtain rest of the submit info. Function `JSON.stringify(submitInfo, circular_reference_remover)` is called to obtain string to store in hidden form field, where second argument is new function `circular_reference_remover(key, value)`, that removes any circular references in input JSON object. Data is stored in hidden fields for form with name "`meludi2`", after which `frm.submit()` is called to change action to JSP file `libprep_plate_protocol2.jsp`.[[BR]]g. New function `circular_reference_remover(key, value)` added. It removes any circular references in input JSON object, relying on global JSONArray `circular_reference_cache`, that should be set to `null`, after each call to `JSON.stringify(JSONJObject, circular_reference_remover)`.[[BR]]h. Tag id "`tsLibPrepKitNo`" for start plate library preparation kit exchanged for "`tsLibPrepKit`".
    15  3. JSP file `inspect_start_plate.jsp` in `resources/libprep/` updated:[[BR]]a. Links for creating a lab protocol in either list view or plate view inserted below the plate layout, above the button for creating a library preparation file for the Illumina MiSeq software.[[BR]]b. A new form tag with name "`meludi2`" added, with an action coupled to new external JSP file `libprep_plate_protocol2.jsp`.
     15 3. JSP file `inspect_start_plate.jsp` in `resources/libprep/` updated:[[BR]]a. Links for creating a lab protocol in either list view or plate view inserted below the plate layout, above the button for creating a library preparation file for the Illumina !MiSeq software.[[BR]]b. A new form tag with name "`meludi2`" added, with an action coupled to new external JSP file `libprep_plate_protocol2.jsp`.
    1616 4. Javascript file `inspect_start_plate.js` in `resources/libprep/` updated:[[BR]]a. Function `initPage()` updated by adding event handlers for clicks on new lab protocol links coupled to new function `viewProtocol()`. Also removal of unused code.[[BR]]b. Function `downloadLibPrepFile()` updated by obtaining bioplate data for submit info by calling new function `fetchBioplateData()`.[[BR]]c. New function `fetchBioplateData()` added. It contains code previously in function `downloadLibPrepFile()`, in order to make it available to other functions.[[BR]]d. Function `createProtocol()` updated by obtaining submit info for bioplate by calling new function `fetchSubmitInfo()`. Call of function `JSON.stringify(submitInfo)` to obtain string to store in hidden form field exchanged for call of function `JSON.stringify(submitInfo, circular_reference_remover)`, where second argument is new function `circular_reference_remover(key, value)`, that removes any circular references in input JSON object.[[BR]]e. New function `fetchSubmitInfo()` added. It contains code previously in function `createProtocol()`, in order to make it available to other functions.[[BR]]f. New function `viewProtocol(event)` added. It calls new function `fetchBioplateData()` to obtain bioplate data for submit info, and new function `fetchSubmitInfo()` to obtain rest of the submit info. Function `JSON.stringify(submitInfo, circular_reference_remover)` is called to obtain string to store in hidden form field, where second argument is new function `circular_reference_remover(key, value)`, that removes any circular references in input JSON object. Data is stored in hidden fields for form with name "`meludi2`", after which `frm.submit()` is called to change action to JSP file `libprep_plate_protocol2.jsp`.[[BR]]g. New function `circular_reference_remover(key, value)` added. It removes any circular references in input JSON object, relying on global JSONArray `circular_reference_cache`, that should be set to `null`, after each call to `JSON.stringify(JSONJObject, circular_reference_remover)`.[[BR]]h. Function `plateInfoLoaded(response)` updated by setting plate name to name in response data.
    1717 5. New JSP file `libprep_plate_protocol2.jsp` in `resources/libprep/` added. Start plate name, description, library preparation kit name, pool schema, and JSONArray with data for DNA aliquots in wells are retrieved from request parameters, after which a list or plate view HTML layout is created for a plate with 8x12 wells. The JSP file is coupled to new javascript file `libprep_plate_protocol.js` in `resources/libprep/`.