Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #801, comment 113

Dec 1, 2015, 12:47:26 PM (9 years ago)


  • Ticket #801, comment 113

    initial v1  
    11Functional specification update:
    3  * Wizard "Register new extra material" in sub-section "Case registration" in section "Sample processing wizards" should be updated to make it possible to add a control lot number, when registering a control reference standard as extra material of type "DNA". To emphasize that the new attribute is only intended to be used for special types of extra material, the interface should be as follows:[[BR]][[BR]]a. Under header "Control reference std." a check box and an input field should should be placed.[[BR]]b. If the check box is unchecked (default), the input field is disabled.
     3 * Wizard "Register new extra material" in sub-section "Case registration" in section "Sample processing wizards" should be updated to make it possible to add a control lot number, when registering a control reference standard as extra material of type "DNA". To emphasize that the new attribute is only intended to be used for special types of extra material, the interface should be as follows:[[BR]][[BR]]a. Under header "Control reference std." a check box and an input field should be placed.[[BR]]b. If the check box is unchecked (default), the input field is disabled.[[BR]]c. If the type is not "DNA", the check box should be unchecked, and the input field cleared and disabled.[[BR]]d. At registration, an optional control lot number should be stored in extract annotation "`ControlLotNo`" (`Annotationtype.CONTROL_LOT_NO`) for the created extra material DNA extract.
    55Design update:
     7 1. Javascript file `extramaterial.js` in `resources/sampleproc/` updated:[[BR]]a. Function `initializeStep2()` updated by adding a check box and an input field between arrival date and operator delivery comment. An event handler couples the check box changes to new function `controlOnChange(event)`. The control lot number input field is initially disabled.[[BR]]b. Function `typeOnChange(event)` updated to enable the control check box, if the type is "DNA", otherwise uncheck and disable the check box, as well as clearing and disabling the control lot number input field.[[BR]]c. New function `controlOnChange(event)` added. If the control check box is checked, the control lot number input field is enabled, otherwise it is cleared and disabled.[[BR]]d. Function `submit()` updated by transferring the value of control lot number input field as submitted info with JSONObject key "`controllotno`" for each item.
     8 2. Java servlet class/file `` in `src/net/sf/basedb/meludi/servlet/` updated:[[BR]]a. Protected method `void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)` updated for command "`CreateExtraMaterial`" to obtain the control lot number string for each item, and if the number is not `null` or an empty string, store the value as annotation of type `Annotationtype.CONTROL_LOT_NO` for the extract.