Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #801, comment 103

Nov 26, 2015, 10:53:50 AM (9 years ago)


  • Ticket #801, comment 103

    initial v1  
    99Design update:
    11  1. Javascript file `select_dna_for_start_plate.js` in `resources/´libprep/` updated:[[BR]]a. Function `submissionResults(response)` (callback function for call to `DnaServlet` from function `submit()`) updated by calling servlet `LibPrepServlet` with command "`RegisterReagentLotNoFile`" and attributes "`overwrite`" and "`update`" set to `true`. Response messages from previous operation are transferred as a JSONArray to submitted JSONObject data with JSON key "`transferredMessages`". Callback function for the new servlet call is new function `updateKitDataResults(response)`.[[BR]]b. New function `updateKitDataResults(response)` added. It displays response messages and shows the "Restart" button.
     11 1. Javascript file `select_dna_for_start_plate.js` in `resources/libprep/` updated:[[BR]]a. Function `submissionResults(response)` (callback function for call to `DnaServlet` from function `submit()`) updated by calling servlet `LibPrepServlet` with command "`RegisterReagentLotNoFile`" and attributes "`overwrite`" and "`update`" set to `true`. Response messages from previous operation are transferred as a JSONArray to submitted JSONObject data with JSON key "`transferredMessages`". Callback function for the new servlet call is new function `updateKitDataResults(response)`.[[BR]]b. New function `updateKitDataResults(response)` added. It displays response messages and shows the "Restart" button.
    1212 2. Java servlet class/file `` in `src/net/sf/basedb/meludi/servlet/` updated:[[BR]]a. Private function `JSONObject fetchJsonKitDataForUpdate(DbControl dc, String libPrepKitName, List<String> reservedWellsList)` updated with fix of bugs when retrieving the "`Active`" flag and number of times used from JSONArrays (code had not been updated from old implementation, when these values were stored as strings, instead of boolean and integer values).[[BR]]b. Protected method `void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)` updated for command "`RegisterReagentLotNoFile`" to retrieve JSONArray of transferred messages and transfer them to current `jsonMessages` JSONArray.