Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Ticket #767, comment 4

Apr 14, 2015, 8:12:38 AM (9 years ago)


  • Ticket #767, comment 4

    v2 v3  
    99 3. Java servlet class/file `` in `src/net/sf/basedb/meludi/servlet/` updated:[[BR]]a. Protected method `void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)` updated for commands "`GetStartPlates`" and "`GetUnprocessedStartPlates`" by calling method `loadAnnotations(DbControl dc, String jsonKey, Annotationtype annotationType, ValueConverter converter, Boolean fromListString, Boolean trim)` for a start plate to retrieve `Annotationtype.EXTRA_QIACUBE_ITEM_NAMES_LIST_STRING` annotations as a string list, where Boolean flags `fromListString` and `trim` are set to `true`. The annotation values are returned as a JSON object with key "`extraItemNames`".[[BR]]b. Protected method `void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)` updated for command "`GetSourceItemListFromStartPlate`" to call new  `Annotationtype` method `List<?> getAnnotationValues(DbControl dc, Annotatable item, Boolean fromListString, Boolean trim)` for a start plate to retrieve `Annotationtype.EXTRA_QIACUBE_ITEM_NAMES_LIST_STRING` annotations as a string list, where Boolean flags `fromListString` and `trim` are set to `true`. If extra QIAcube items exist, but no name data has been stored, standard names "`E01`", "`E02`",..., "`E10`", etc. are generated. The extra QIAcube item data is returned as a JSON object with key "`extraitems`".[[BR]]c. Protected method `void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)` updated for command "`RegisterStartPlate`" to call `Annotationtype` method `void setAnnotationValues(DbControl dc, Annotatable item, List<?> values)` for `Annotationtype.EXTRA_QIACUBE_ITEM_NAMES_LIST_STRING` annotations to store an extra QIAcube item name list for a start plate.
    1010 4. JSP file `extraction_preparation.jsp` in `resources/sampleproc/` updated by adding new hidden multiple select tag with id "`extraQiacubeItems`", for storage of data for extra QIAcube items.
    11  5. Javascript file `extraction_preparation.js` in `resources/sampleproc/` updated:[[BR]]a. Function `initializeStep1(response)` updated to hide new select tag with id "`extraQiacubeItems`".[[BR]]b. New function `itemNameOnChange(event)` added.
     11 5. Javascript file `extraction_preparation.js` in `resources/sampleproc/` updated:[[BR]]a. Function `initializeStep1(response)` updated to hide new select tag with id "`extraQiacubeItems`".[[BR]]b. Function `initializeStep3()` updated by calling new function `createExtraItemsList(numExtraItems)` to create an extra items list with default names. Table cells for the extra item names are updated to text input fields, with callback function set tot new function `itemNameOnChange(event)`.[[BR]]c. New function `createExtraItemsList(numExtraItems)` added. It creates an extra items list with default names, and stores the list in hidden select tag with id "`extraQiacubeItems`"[[BR]]d. Function `getExtraItemsList(numExtraItems)` updated to `getExtraItemsList()` and fetching the extra items list from hidden select tag with id "`extraQiacubeItems`", instead of creating the items with default names.[[BR]]e. New function `itemNameOnChange(event)` added. It updates the extra items JSON object by setting the names of the extra items to the values in the name input fields for the latter, after which function `updateDetailsTable()` is called.[[BR]]f. Function `updateDetailsTable()` updated to set values of input fields for extra item names to those of the extra items in the processed JSON object.[[BR]]g. Function `submit()` updated to include data for extra QIAcube items in JSON object with key "`extraItems`", when sending an Ajax request to `ExtractionServlet` with command "`RegisterStartPlate`".