Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Ticket #767, comment 18

Apr 17, 2015, 10:40:30 AM (9 years ago)


  • Ticket #767, comment 18

    v2 v3  
    55Design update:
    7  1. Javascript file `extraction_formcopy.js` in `resources/sampleproc/` updated:[[BR]]a. Function `initPage()` updated in Ajax call to `ExtractionServlet` with command "`GetStartPlates`" to add parameter "`orderDesc`" set to `true`, in order to get the list sorted in descending plate name order.[[BR]]b. Function `initializeStep1(response)` updated in the start plate selection menu to add an optional event date (obtained through JSON key "`extractionDate`") inside square brackets after the start plate name and number of items, plus a spacer string "` -- `". The first start plate item in the selection menu is marked as selected by default.[[BR]]c. New function `asDate(value)` added. It returns an input  date string in "`yyyymmdd`" format as "`yyyy-mm-dd`" format.
     7 1. Javascript file `extraction_formcopy.js` in `resources/sampleproc/` updated:[[BR]]a. Function `initPage()` updated in Ajax call to `ExtractionServlet` with command "`GetStartPlates`" to add parameter "`orderDesc`" set to `true`, in order to get the list sorted in descending plate name order.[[BR]]b. Function `initializeStep1(response)` updated in the start plate selection menu to add an optional event date (obtained through JSON key "`extractionDate`") inside square brackets after the start plate name and number of items, plus a spacer string "` -- `". The first start plate item in the selection menu is marked as selected by default (since the plates are now displayed in descending plate name order, this is normally the newest start plate).[[BR]]c. New function `asDate(value)` added. It returns an input  date string in "`yyyymmdd`" format as "`yyyy-mm-dd`" format.
    88 2. Java servlet class/file `` in `src/net/sf/basedb/meludi/servlet/` updated:[[BR]]a. Protected method `void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)` updated for command "`GetStartPlates`" to call new static public method `List<ReactionPlate> findByBioPlateType(DbControl dc, BioplateType bioPlateType, Subtype subtype, String prefix, int numFreeWells, Annotationtype runDateAnnotation)` updated to call new public static method `List<ReactionPlate> ReactionPlate.findByBioPlateType(DbControl dc, BioplateType bioPlateType, Subtype subtype, String prefix, int numFreeWells, Annotationtype runDateAnnotation, Boolean destroyed, Boolean orderDesc)` with `Boolean` argument `destroyed` set to `false` and `orderDesc` set to value obtained by parameter "`orderDesc`" (if the latter is `null`, argument `orderDesc` is set to `false`).
    99 3. Java data access object class/file `` in `src/net/sf/basedb/meludi/dao/` updated:[[BR]]a. Public static method `List<ReactionPlate> findByBioPlateType(DbControl dc, BioplateType bioPlateType, Subtype subtype, String prefix, int numFreeWells, Annotationtype runDateAnnotation)` updated to call new public static method `List<ReactionPlate> findByBioPlateType(DbControl dc, BioplateType bioPlateType, Subtype subtype, String prefix, int numFreeWells, Annotationtype runDateAnnotation, Boolean destroyed, Boolean orderDesc)` with `Boolean` arguments `destroyed` and `orderDesc` set to `false` to obtain the list to return. Note that this is a change in functionality, since the method previously included plates, that had been marked as destroyed.[[BR]]b. New public static method `List<ReactionPlate> findByBioPlateType(DbControl dc, BioplateType bioPlateType, Subtype subtype, String prefix, int numFreeWells, Annotationtype runDateAnnotation, Boolean destroyed, Boolean orderDesc)` added. If argument `destroyed` is equal to `null`, both existing and destroyed plates are included, while `destroyed` equal to `false` includes only existing plates, and `destroyed` equal to `true` includes only plates marked as destroyed. If argument `orderDesc` is `true`, the plates will be sorted in descending order by plate name, otherwise ascending.