Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #767, comment 18

Apr 17, 2015, 10:38:15 AM (9 years ago)


  • Ticket #767, comment 18

    v1 v2  
    55Design update:
    7  1. Javascript file `extraction_formcopy.js` in `resources/sampleproc/` updated:[[BR]]a. Function `initPage()` updated in Ajax call to `ExtractionServlet` with command "`GetStartPlates`" to add parameter "`orderDesc`" set to `true`.[[BR]]b. Function `initializeStep1(response)` updated in the start plate selection menu to add an optional event date (obtained through JSON key "`extractionDate`") inside square brackets after the start plate name and number of items, plus a spacer string "` -- `". The first start plate item in the selection menu is marked as selected by default.[[BR]]c. New function `asDate(value)` added. It returns an input  date string in "`yyyymmdd`" format as "`yyyy-mm-dd`" format.
     7 1. Javascript file `extraction_formcopy.js` in `resources/sampleproc/` updated:[[BR]]a. Function `initPage()` updated in Ajax call to `ExtractionServlet` with command "`GetStartPlates`" to add parameter "`orderDesc`" set to `true`, in order to get the list sorted in descending plate name order.[[BR]]b. Function `initializeStep1(response)` updated in the start plate selection menu to add an optional event date (obtained through JSON key "`extractionDate`") inside square brackets after the start plate name and number of items, plus a spacer string "` -- `". The first start plate item in the selection menu is marked as selected by default.[[BR]]c. New function `asDate(value)` added. It returns an input  date string in "`yyyymmdd`" format as "`yyyy-mm-dd`" format.
    88 2. Java servlet class/file `` in `src/net/sf/basedb/meludi/servlet/` updated:[[BR]]a. Protected method `void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)` updated for command "`GetStartPlates`" to call new static public method `List<ReactionPlate> findByBioPlateType(DbControl dc, BioplateType bioPlateType, Subtype subtype, String prefix, int numFreeWells, Annotationtype runDateAnnotation)` updated to call new public static method `List<ReactionPlate> ReactionPlate.findByBioPlateType(DbControl dc, BioplateType bioPlateType, Subtype subtype, String prefix, int numFreeWells, Annotationtype runDateAnnotation, Boolean destroyed, Boolean orderDesc)` with `Boolean` argument `destroyed` set to `false` and `orderDesc` set to value obtained by parameter "`orderDesc`" (if the latter is `null`, argument `orderDesc` is set to `false`).
    99 3. Java data access object class/file `` in `src/net/sf/basedb/meludi/dao/` updated:[[BR]]a. Public static method `List<ReactionPlate> findByBioPlateType(DbControl dc, BioplateType bioPlateType, Subtype subtype, String prefix, int numFreeWells, Annotationtype runDateAnnotation)` updated to call new public static method `List<ReactionPlate> findByBioPlateType(DbControl dc, BioplateType bioPlateType, Subtype subtype, String prefix, int numFreeWells, Annotationtype runDateAnnotation, Boolean destroyed, Boolean orderDesc)` with `Boolean` arguments `destroyed` and `orderDesc` set to `false` to obtain the list to return. Note that this is a change in functionality, since the method previously included plates, that had been marked as destroyed.[[BR]]b. New public static method `List<ReactionPlate> findByBioPlateType(DbControl dc, BioplateType bioPlateType, Subtype subtype, String prefix, int numFreeWells, Annotationtype runDateAnnotation, Boolean destroyed, Boolean orderDesc)` added. If argument `destroyed` is equal to `null`, both existing and destroyed plates are included, while `destroyed` equal to `false` includes only existing plates, and `destroyed` equal to `true` includes only plates marked as destroyed. If argument `orderDesc` is `true`, the plates will be sorted in descending order by plate name, otherwise ascending.