Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Ticket #690, comment 5

Nov 20, 2014, 3:58:03 PM (10 years ago)


  • Ticket #690, comment 5

    v3 v4  
    1414 3. Personal information registration takes the following input:[[BR]]a. Personal number.[[BR]]b. Family name.[[BR]]c. All first names.[[BR]]d. PL-number.[[BR]]e. PAD/CL (Patho-Anatomical Diagnosis or cytology number).
    1515 4. Case summary has been adapted to variables used in !MeLuDi.
    16  5. Sample source reports are simplified and more or less adapted versions of Reggie counterparts:[[BR]]a. Sample count report: Number of specimens per time interval from the various sites for a chosen time period. Has a project focus filter with value "None", "Melanoma", "Lung cancer", and "unknown".[[BR]]b. Patient count report shows the number of patients per time interval from the various sites for a chosen time period.[[BR]]c. Overview report contains two tables showing data for each site for a chosen time period; one shows number of patients and specimens and the other number of patients having 1, 2, or more specimens. Has a project focus filter with value "None", "Melanoma", "Lung cancer", and "unknown".[[BR]]d. Missing sample data report shows number of specimens for each site missing patient, patient name, PAD reference, or sampling data. Has a project focus filter with value "None", "Melanoma", "Lung cancer", and "unknown".
     16 5. Sample source reports are simplified and more or less adapted versions of Reggie counterparts:[[BR]]a. Sample count report: Number of specimens per time interval from the various sites for a chosen time period. Has a project focus filter with value "None", "Melanoma", "Lung cancer", and "unknown".[[BR]]b. Patient count report shows the number of patients per time interval from the various sites for a chosen time period.[[BR]]c. Overview report contains two tables showing data for each site for a chosen time period; one shows number of patients and specimens and the other number of patients having 1, 2, or more specimens. Has a project focus filter with value "None", "Melanoma", "Lung cancer", and "unknown".[[BR]]d. Missing sample data report shows number of specimens for each site missing patient, patient name, PAD reference, or sampling date. Has a project focus filter with value "None", "Melanoma", "Lung cancer", and "unknown".
    1818Input options via check boxes/menus: