7 | | 0. Installation wizard.[[BR]]a. Check that annotation types and other items used by !MeLuDi exists in BASE.[[BR]]b. Create missing items. |
8 | | 1. Case registration.[[BR]]a. Register new cases without patient info. |
9 | | 2. Pathology referral form registration.[[BR]]a. Register new cases and patients.[[BR]]b. Update existing cases with patient info. |
10 | | 3. Case summary.[[BR]]a. Gives a summary of item data related to a cases. Patient data for the case can also be inspected by users having the "`Curator`" role. |
11 | | 4. Sample source report.[[BR]]a. Sample count report.[[BR]]b. Patient count report.[[BR]]c. Overview report.[[BR]]d. Missing sample data report. |
| 7 | 1. Installation wizard.[[BR]]a. Check that annotation types and other items used by !MeLuDi exists in BASE.[[BR]]b. Create missing items. |
| 8 | 2. Case registration.[[BR]]a. Register new cases without patient info. |
| 9 | 3. Pathology referral form registration.[[BR]]a. Register new cases and patients.[[BR]]b. Update existing cases with patient info. |
| 10 | 4. Case summary.[[BR]]a. Gives a summary of item data related to a cases. Patient data for the case can also be inspected by users having the "`Curator`" role. |
| 11 | 5. Sample source report.[[BR]]a. Sample count report.[[BR]]b. Patient count report.[[BR]]c. Overview report.[[BR]]d. Missing sample data report. |
| 12 | |
| 13 | All wizards have counterparts in Reggie: |
| 14 | 1. The !MeLuDi installation wizard is basically just a modified version adapted to variables relevant here. |
| 15 | 2. Case registration takes the following input:[[BR]]a. Case name.[[BR]]b. Number of tubes.[[BR]]c. Arrival date.[[BR]]d. Sampling date.[[BR]]e. Mutation analysis.[[BR]]f. Site.[[BR]]g. Sample type.[[BR]]h. Project focus.[[BR]]i. Other path note.[[BR]]Input for each specimen tube:[[BR]]j. Storage box, row, column. Values are suggested by the program. Note! Not used for the first specimen, since all amount is expected to be used for analysis.[[BR]]k. Operator delivery comment. |
| 16 | 3. Personal information registration takes the following input:[[BR]]a. Personal number.[[BR]]b. Family name.[[BR]]c. All first names.[[BR]]d. PL-number.[[BR]]e. PAD/CL (Patho-Anatomical Diagnosis or cytology number). |
| 17 | 4. Case summary has been adapted to variables used in !MeLuDi. |
| 18 | 5. Sample source reports are simplified and more or less adapted versions of Reggie couterparts:[[BR]]a. Sample count report: Number of specimens per time interval from the various sites for a chosen time period. Has a project focus filter with value "None", "Melanoma", "Lung cancer", and "unknown".[[BR]]b. Patient count report shows the number of patients per time interval from the various sites for a chosen time period.[[BR]]c. Overview report contains two tables showing data for each site for a chosen time period; one shows number of patients and specimens and the other number of patients having 1, 2, or more specimens. Has a project focus filter with value "None", "Melanoma", "Lung cancer", and "unknown".[[BR]]d. Missing sample data report shows number of specimens for each site missing patient, patient name, PAD reference, or sampling data. Has a project focus filter with value "None", "Melanoma", "Lung cancer", and "unknown". |