Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Ticket #690, comment 30

Dec 4, 2014, 8:49:02 AM (9 years ago)


  • Ticket #690, comment 30

    v4 v5  
    77!Functional/Design specification update related to the background information update:
    9  1. If input tube content is DNA or RNA:[[BR]]a. Instead of a specimen item, a DNA extract or RNA extract item should be created.[[BR]]b. A DNA extract item from an input tube should have a name consisting of the case name followed by "`.d`", e.g. for case "`ML00001`" the DNA extract name will be "`ML00001.d`".[[BR]]c. An RNA extract item from an input tube should have a name consisting of the case name followed by "`.r`", e.g. for case "`ML00001`" the RNA extract name will be "`ML00001.r`".[[BR]]d. Currently annotation `SAMPLE_TYPE` ("`SampleType`") with possible value [`unknown`, `Primary tumour`, `Metastasis`, `DNA`, `RNA`] is used to indicate the input content of a specimen tube, and is stored both for the created case and child items. There are several problems with this; one is that the two options `Primary tumour` and `Metastasis` are intended for FFPE specimen items, another is that the name "`SampleType`" is inappropriate for DNA and RNA items, that are of type `Extract`, instead of `Sample`, like cases and specimens. Options [`unknown`, `Primary tumour`, `Metastasis`] should be stored in annotation of type `SPECIMEN_TYPE` ("`SpecimenType`") for specimen items, while a new annotation type `INPUT_TUBE_CONTENT_TYPE` ("`InputTubeContentType`") with options [`FFPE specimen`, `DNA`, `RNA`, `DNA + RNA`] should be created and stored with the created case item.
     9 1. If input tube content is DNA or RNA:[[BR]]a. Instead of a specimen item, a DNA extract or RNA extract item should be created.[[BR]]b. A DNA extract item from an input tube should have a name consisting of the case name followed by "`.d`", e.g. for case "`ML00001`" the DNA extract name will be "`ML00001.d`".[[BR]]c. An RNA extract item from an input tube should have a name consisting of the case name followed by "`.r`", e.g. for case "`ML00001`" the RNA extract name will be "`ML00001.r`".[[BR]]d. Currently annotation `SAMPLE_TYPE` ("`SampleType`") with possible value [`unknown`, `Primary tumour`, `Metastasis`, `DNA`, `RNA`] is used to indicate the input content of a specimen tube, and is stored both for the created case and child items. There are several problems with this; one is that the two options `Primary tumour` and `Metastasis` are intended for FFPE specimen items, another is that the name "`SampleType`" is inappropriate for DNA and RNA items, that are of type `Extract`, instead of `Sample`. Options [`unknown`, `Primary tumour`, `Metastasis`] should be stored in annotation of type `SPECIMEN_TYPE` ("`SpecimenType`") for specimen items, while a new annotation type `INPUT_TUBE_CONTENT_TYPE` ("`InputTubeContentType`") with options [`FFPE specimen`, `DNA`, `RNA`, `DNA + RNA`] should be created and stored with the created case item.
    1010 2. For FFPE input tube content:[[BR]]a.Annotationtype `NOF_PIECES` ("`NofPieces`"), used for tissue specimens, should be exchanged for new annotation type `NOF_SECTIONS` ("`NofSections`"), which is more appropriate for FFPE specimens.[[BR]]b. When registering an FFPE sample, an input field for the number of sections should be added (default should be "`1`"). The value should be stored in the new `NOF_SECTIONS` ("`NofSections`") annotation type for the created specimen item.
    1111 3. Java servlet class/file `` in `src/net/sf/basedb/meludi/servlet/` should be updated in storage box queries to search for names ending with "`_sp`", instead of "`_Sp`".