Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of Ticket #690, comment 2

Nov 20, 2014, 3:44:25 PM (10 years ago)


  • Ticket #690, comment 2

    v7 v8  
    11Background and design choices:
    3  * [ BASE] plug-in package ''Reggie'' was developed to simplify registration in BASE of data related to the [ SCAN-B] breast cancer project. Reggie therefore naturally includes data specific to breast cancer, e.g. laterality, and to the set-up of the SCAN-B data management, e.g. use of case numbers, where the first two digits indicate the hospital site delivering a sample. After years of development, Reggie now (late 2014) covers registration of the full pipeline of sample preparation, gene sequence and expression analysis, and report creation. Several wizards go far beyond passively registering input data, and suggests storing positions for samples and extracts, as well as optimal concentrations when diluting the latter.
     3 * [ BASE] plug-in package ''Reggie'' was developed to simplify registration in BASE of data related to the [ SCAN-B] breast cancer project. Reggie therefore naturally includes data specific to breast cancer, e.g. laterality, and to the set-up of the SCAN-B data management, e.g. use of case numbers, where the first two digits indicate the hospital site delivering a sample. After years of development, Reggie now (late 2014) covers registration of the full pipeline of sample preparation, gene sequence and expression analysis, and report creation. Several wizards go far beyond passively registering input data, and suggest storing positions for samples and extracts, as well as optimal concentrations when diluting the latter.
    44 * The new BASE plug-in registration package ''!MeLuDi'' for melanoma/lung cancer projects, will be based on Reggie, where possible, but will be a stand-alone package. The advantages of using Reggie as model are numerous:[[BR]][[BR]]a. Faster development. Many operations are fully or nearly identical for the two projects, and using the Reggie code base will reduce development time.[[BR]]b. More stable code. Reggie has already been through several cycles of development iterations, where found bugs have been fixed, and new code has been written with previous experiences in mind.[[BR]]c. More streamlined code. The development iterations have also led to more streamlined code design.[[BR]]d. A consistent user interface. Having a consistent user interface is an advantage in itself. Basing !MeLuDi on Reggie will have a two-fold advantage, since lab personnel used to Reggie, will need less time to adapt to !MeLuDi.[[BR]][[BR]]Using Reggie code as inspiration, will hopefully transfer a lot of the benefits listed above to !MeLuDi. Unfortunately, the differences in lab procedure are too big to allow the latter as being developed as a branch of the Reggie code. The source code will therefore be entered in the subversion source code revision system as an independent package.