Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#473 closed task

Register library processing results — at Initial Version

Reported by: Nicklas Nordborg Owned by: Nicklas Nordborg
Priority: major Milestone: Reggie v2.12
Component: net.sf.basedb.reggie Keywords:


This wizard is the last step in #423. In the lab, the library preparation first needs a number of test rounds for finding the correct parameters (eg. depending on humidity, etc.) and quality control. After that a complete plate is processed.

The wizard should be able to register each test round with at least a PDF file and a comment.

The complete plate (if successful) registration need to provide data files from the Caliper and Qubit runs. Details need to be investigated, but we'll need at least a PDF and a CSV file to parse for annotations.

It should be possible to mark specific positions as failed and their parent RNA should then be flagged for re-processing.

The wizard should also have support for a completely failed plate which also results in all parent RNA being flagged.

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