Changes between Initial Version and Version 8 of Ticket #372

May 29, 2012, 11:28:35 AM (13 years ago)
Nicklas Nordborg


  • Ticket #372

    • Property MilestoneReggie v2.7
    • Property Status newassigned
  • Ticket #372 – Description

    initial v8  
    1 This is the second wizard that follows #371. In this wizard the user should select which paraffin blocks that should be processed. The default list should include only those paraffin blocks that hasn't been processed yet (eg. there are no child HEGlass items). It should also be possible to select paraffin blocks manually.
     1~~This is the second wizard that follows #371. In this wizard the user should select which paraffin blocks that should be processed. The default list should include only those paraffin blocks that hasn't been processed yet (eg. there are no child HEGlass items). It should also be possible to select paraffin blocks manually.~~
     3This should be the first wizard. The first step includes selecting a number of Histology items that have not yet been embedded in paraffin blocks. This can be determined by filtering on items without a creation date. To begin with the items should be sorted by bioplate and position, but this will change when the backlog has been processed since then only temporary boxes are used.
    35The wizards should generate a printable form containing 3 paraffin blocks on each page.