Hmm... I tried some other variants and I am pretty sure the problem is with empty "Sampling date" and "RNA Later date". If I give values for them, I can save with an empty PAD. If there are no date+time values, it doesn't matter if a PAD is given or not. The "Create" button doesn't work.
There is a workaround... Use 'Tab' (or the mouse) to step through the input fields so that each date+time box is selected and deselected at least once. The "Create" button will now work.
I think the problem is that when the form is loaded all fields starts out in 'invalid' state. Each field is usually validated when it loses the input focus. Empty date+time are considered valid by the validation function, but this is only called when:
- There are date+time values when the form is loaded
- The date+time fields are deselected
The solution is that the "Sampling date" and "RNA Later date" should start in 'valid' state when the form is loaded.