| 15 | |
| 16 | The annotations and VCF file is easy to copy by hand: |
| 17 | |
| 18 | 1. Display derived bioassays with subtype `OncoArray`. |
| 19 | 2. Display the following columns: |
| 20 | - Parent bioassays |
| 21 | - VCF |
| 22 | - !GenotypeCount |
| 23 | - GenoTypeALT_PCT |
| 24 | - GenoTypeHET_PCT |
| 25 | - GenoTypeREF_PCT |
| 26 | 3. Export all (1995) to an Excel file |
| 27 | 4. Change the table to only display bioassays with subtype `GenotypeCall` |
| 28 | 5. Import the VCF file with the Derived bioassay importer: |
| 29 | - Use Update mode |
| 30 | - Use the 'Parent bioassays' column as the identifier column |
| 31 | - Select the 'VCF' column as 'File' and enter 'VCF' in the File type mapping. |
| 32 | 6. Import the annotations. Use the 'Parent bioassays' column as the identifier column. |