Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Ticket #1029, comment 78

Jun 8, 2018, 8:54:29 AM (7 years ago)


  • Ticket #1029, comment 78

    v3 v4  
    77 3. Since the case name now can be different from the referral ID, the former will have to keep track of the latter. Access to the referral ID for a case should be coupled to a more restrictive user role, e.g. patient curator.
    88 4. Since the case name now won't include a site prefix, while the case item still contains a site annotation, the latter might also have to be coupled to a more restrictive user role, e.g. patient curator.
     9 5. Not directly related to the non-disclosure of the patient/sample keys, it has been discussed that samples of different types, e.g. specimen and blood, should differ in names by a prefix, instead of the current practice of a suffix to the case name (".1", ".2", etc. for specimen; ".b", ".b2", etc. for blood). The reason this is that it would simplify communication between researchers, according the type of sample was discussed. The specimen can still be identified by a suffix to the case name, while blood samples will have a new prefix (and number series).