Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #1029, comment 33

Apr 17, 2018, 3:51:59 PM (7 years ago)


  • Ticket #1029, comment 33

    v1 v2  
    44 * Now all referral template forms belong to one of two main types, where all templates of the same type have barcodes at the same position:[[BR]]a. Barcode non-sticker forms. Barcodes at top right and left (at slightly different height).[[BR]]b. Barcode sticker forms. Barcodes at top right and left (at slightly different height), plus barcodes on nine sticker labels at bottom of form, intended to be placed on sample tubes. The stickers will also have the case ID printed on the top and bottom of the short side of the label.
    55 * The barcode non-sticker forms will no longer be created with an extra blank page after each form in the PDF file, since all forms are on a single page.
    6  * Some of the referral forms for which templates exist, should be included in the forms sets created as a batch job.
     6 * Some of the referral forms for which templates exist, should not be included in the forms sets created as a batch job.
     7 * In the current version, the referral form sets will contain the following forms:[[BR]]Form set 1 (with label stickers): Biopsy form, Whole blood form, Follow up form.[[BR]]Form set 2: Consent report form.