7 | | 3. FFPE block order form:[[BR]]a. A PAD number will no longer be printed on the form, as the form recipient will instead note PAD numbers of supplied blocks on the form. There is therefore also no need for a PAD pre-entry number registered for the Case item. |
| 7 | 3. FFPE block order form:[[BR]]a. A PAD number will no longer be printed on the form, as the form recipient will instead note PAD numbers of supplied blocks on the form. There is therefore also no need for a PAD pre-entry number registered for the Case item.[[BR]]b. The bar codes with referral ID should be replaced with bar codes of the patient personal number. The locations of the bar codes will not be changed. |
| 8 | 4. FFPE block registration:[[BR]]a. A number of FFPE blocks should be allowed for one Case item.[[BR]]b. Each FFPE block should have a PAD number registered with it.[[BR]]c. One of the FFPE blocks should be selected for further processing. This FFPE block should be identified as being related to a "Yellow label" in Reggie nomenclature. |