5 | | 1. Consent form registration: |
6 | | 2. The BASE-Line registration input file will no longer contain a "Whole blood" check box, so there is no need for a corresponding annotation. |
7 | | 3. The FFPE block order form should no longer contain a specified PAD number, as the form recipient will instead note PAD numbers of supplied blocks on the form. There is therefore also no need for a PAD pre-entry number registered for the Case item. |
| 5 | 1. Consent form registration:[[BR]]a. Input field title "Date" exchanged for "Consent date".[[BR]]b. PAD pre-entry input field removed. |
| 6 | 2. BASE-line registration form:[[BR]]a. Input file will no longer contain a "Whole blood" check box, so there is no need for a corresponding annotation WHOLE_BLOOD.[[BR]]b. Input field/column "Sampling date" added.[[BR]]c. Input field/column for third extra blood tube added. |
| 7 | 3. FFPE block order form:[[BR]]a. A PAD number will no longer be printed on the form, as the form recipient will instead note PAD numbers of supplied blocks on the form. There is therefore also no need for a PAD pre-entry number registered for the Case item. |
| 8 | |