Package net.sf.basedb.opengrid.engine
package net.sf.basedb.opengrid.engine
ClassDescriptionInternal interface to be implemented once for each type of cluster.Engine implementation for servers without a job manager.Job status information for direct jobs.Implementation for getting information about a running or finished job.Represents a job submission for sending a job to the cluster.Cluster engine implementation for Open Grid clusters.Job status information for Open Grid jobs.Implements the 'qacct' command for getting information about a completed job.Get job status information from an existing QstatXmlCmd instance.Execute the 'qstat -xml' command, parse the XML and store the result for future use with QstatCmd.Cluster engine implementation for Slurm clusters.Issue an 'squeue' command that get a list of pending jobs sorted in priority order as of this moment.Implements the 'sacct' command for getting information about a completed job.Job status information for Slurm jobs.Implements the 'squeue' command for getting information about a waiting or running job.Implementation for getting information about a running or finished job.