Class OpenGridEngine

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class OpenGridEngine extends Object implements ClusterEngine
Cluster engine implementation for Open Grid clusters.
  • Field Details

    • logger

      private static final ExtensionsLogger logger
    • ignoredQsubOptions

      private static final Set<String> ignoredQsubOptions

      public static final DateFormatter STARTTIME_DATE
      Format to use for the -a parameter that contols the earliest start time for a job: YYMMDDhhmm.SS Example: 2204081145.51
    • qstatXml

      private OpenGridEngine.QstatXmlCmd qstatXml
  • Constructor Details

    • OpenGridEngine

      public OpenGridEngine()
  • Method Details

    • getSupportedSignals

      public Collection<Signal> getSupportedSignals(JobStatus newStatus, Job.Status currentStatus)
      Description copied from interface: ClusterEngine
      Get the signals that are supported for jobs with the given current and new job status. This method is typically only called for status: WAITING, PAUSED and EXECUTING. It is safe to return null or an empty collection if no signals are supported.
      Specified by:
      getSupportedSignals in interface ClusterEngine
    • setDefaultConfig

      public void setDefaultConfig(ClusterConfig config)
      Description copied from interface: ClusterEngine
      Set default configuration parameters on the given configuration object. It is expected that the ClusterConfig.getType() is a type that is compatible with the engine implementation.
      Specified by:
      setDefaultConfig in interface ClusterEngine
    • createJobSubmission

      public JobSubmission createJobSubmission(OpenGridSession session, JobDefinition job, String workFolder, String tmpFolder)
      Description copied from interface: ClusterEngine
      Create a job submission for executing a job on the cluster.
      Specified by:
      createJobSubmission in interface ClusterEngine
      session - A connected session that can be used to execute commands on the cluster
      job - Information about the job
      workFolder - The work folder where files needed for the job are stored
      tmpFolder - A temporary folder where the job is allowed to store files
      A JobSubmission instance
    • getStatusInQueue

      public CmdResult<JobStatus> getStatusInQueue(OpenGridSession session, JobIdentifier jobId, int timeAdjustment)
      Description copied from interface: ClusterEngine
      Get information about a job that is expected to be waiting in the queue or running. If this is not the case, the CmdResult should return with exit status set to 1.
      Specified by:
      getStatusInQueue in interface ClusterEngine
      session - A connected session that can be used to execute commands on the cluster
      jobId - Job identifier
      timeAdjustment - Adjustment in seconds that should be applied to all times returned by commands on the cluster (this will make times compatible with BASE server)
      A CmdResult instance with JobStatus information
    • getStatusIfFinished

      public CmdResult<JobStatus> getStatusIfFinished(OpenGridSession session, JobIdentifier jobId, int timeAdjustment)
      Description copied from interface: ClusterEngine
      Get information about a job that is expected to have finished.
      Specified by:
      getStatusIfFinished in interface ClusterEngine
      session - A connected session that can be used to execute commands on the cluster
      jobId - Job identifier
      timeAdjustment - Adjustment in seconds that should be applied to all times returned by commands on the cluster (this will make times compatible with BASE server)
      A CmdResult instance with JobStatus information
    • cancelJob

      public CmdResult<String> cancelJob(OpenGridSession session, JobIdentifier jobId)
      Description copied from interface: ClusterEngine
      Tell the cluster that a running or waiting job should be cancelled.
      Specified by:
      cancelJob in interface ClusterEngine
      session - A connected session that can be used to execute commands on the cluster
      jobId - Job identifier
      The result of executing the command
    • createQsubScript

      public String createQsubScript(JobDefinition job, String workFolder, String tmpFolder)
      Generates a script that can be submitted with 'qsub' to the Open Grid Cluster.
    • createJobScript

      public String createJobScript(JobDefinition job, String workFolder, String tmpFolder)
      Generates a script that executes the job script.
    • getScript

      private UploadSource getScript(String name)