Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #1072

Nov 7, 2018, 9:52:50 AM (5 years ago)
Nicklas Nordborg


  • Ticket #1072

    • Property Owner set to Nicklas Nordborg
    • Property Status newassigned
  • Ticket #1072 – Description

    initial v2  
    11The existing structure has a direct link between RNA and Specimen. We want to break up this link and insert a Lysate item between them.
    3 For a given RNA it easy to get the name for the Lysate (simply by getting rid of the '.r' at the end), create a new Lysate item and re-link the everything. We should also move the annotations starting with `Lys` on the RNA to the Lysate item.
     3For a given RNA it easy to get the name for the Lysate (simply by getting rid of the '.r' at the end), create a new Lysate item and re-link the everything. We should also move the annotations starting with `Lys` or `Partition` on the RNA to the Lysate item.
    55There are some things that require careful handling:
    77 * There may be more than one RNA for a given Lysate. Before creating a new Lysate we must check that it doesn't exists already.
    88 * Access permissions must be correctly set and merged. If only a single RNA exists, the permissions can be copied to the Lysate. If there are more RNA item, the permissions must be merged so that the Lysate is accessible in all projects/releases.
    9  * The `LysBatchNo` annotation have project-specific values. They must all be copied correctly to the Lysate item.
     9 * The `LysBatchNo` and `PartitionBatchNo` annotations have project-specific values. They must all be copied correctly to the Lysate item.