Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of Ticket #1029, comment 141

Oct 25, 2018, 1:28:43 PM (6 years ago)


  • Ticket #1029, comment 141

    v13 v14  
    88 4. FFPE block registration:[[BR]]a. A number of FFPE blocks should be allowed for one Case item.[[BR]]b. Each FFPE block should have a PAD number registered with it.[[BR]]c. One of the FFPE blocks should be selected for further processing. This FFPE block should be identified as being related to a "Yellow label" in Reggie nomenclature. However, this selection can not always be made until some pre-checks have been made.
    99 5. Label creation wizard[s] for:[[BR]]a. Labels for FFPE sections ("snitt") for 1.5 ml safe-lock tubes.[[BR]]b. Labels for H&E glass slides, one for the start slide and one for the end slide (these slides contain tumor sections before the first section used for analysis and after the last one).
    10  6. FFPE section order form:[[BR]]a. The selection list of FFPE blocks should only include blocks not previously used in a FFPE section order form.[[BR]]b. The selection list of FFPE blocks should indicated "Yellow label" FFPE blocks with a yellow asterisk as used in Reggie.
    11  7. FFPE section registration:[[BR]]a. Each FFPE section entry should include glass slide number, number of sections, and percentage of tumor cells.[[BR]]b. Glass slide items should have names consisting of the FFPE block item name + suffix ".s".[[BR]]c. FFPE section items should have names consisting of the glass slide item name + suffix ".he1", ".he2", etc. Abbreviation "he" refers to hematoxylin and eosin stain or haematoxylin and eosin stain (H&E stain or HE stain).
     10 6. FFPE section order form:[[BR]]a. The selection list of FFPE blocks should only include blocks not previously used in an FFPE section order form.[[BR]]b. The selection list of FFPE blocks should indicate "Yellow label" FFPE blocks with a yellow asterisk as used in Reggie, plus a yellow background.
     11 7. FFPE section registration:[[BR]]a. Each FFPE section entry should include glass slide number, number of sections, and percentage of tumor cells.[[BR]]b. Glass slide items should have names consisting of the FFPE block item name + suffix ".he-F" or ".he-E", where "F" and "E" indicate "Före" and "Efter" (Swedish for "Before" and "After"), respectively. [[BR]]c. FFPE section items should have names consisting of the glass slide item name + suffix ".he1", ".he2", etc. Abbreviation "he" refers to hematoxylin and eosin stain or haematoxylin and eosin stain (H&E stain or HE stain).
    1212 8. Returned FFPE block registration:[[BR]]a. The selection list of FFPE blocks should include blocks not previously marked as being returned. A return date and operator name should be registered.