Recent Changes
[[RecentChanges( ,5)]]
= Welcome to the BASE plug-ins site =
This is the repository for BASE plug-ins. Currently BASE 1 and BASE 2 plug-ins are hosted at this site.
Both BASE 1 and 2 comes with a set of core plug-ins, information about these is available elsewhere ([http://base.thep.lu.se/chrome/site/doc/admin/plugin_configuration/coreplugins.html list of BASE 2 core plug-ins]).
The bugtracking system that we decided to use is called [http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/ Trac].
Trac allows BASE users to submit bug reports or suggest new functionality to plug-ins. Choose ''New Ticket'' in the menu bar
and follow the instructions.
To support plug-in development we use [http://subversion.tigris.org/ subversion]. Everyone is allowed
anonymous checkout (SubversionCheckout) of the plug-ins available whereas plug-in developers can be given commit access to a
designated directory in the repository.
== Want to be a submitter? ==
If you have a plug-in you want to submit just send your plug-in to [mailto:johan.enell@med.lu.se Johan Enell]
following the PluginSubmitReq.
== Want to be a developer? ==
If you want to be a plug-in developer with commit access to the repository just contact [http://www.thep.lu.se/~jari Jari Häkkinen]
and he will hook you up. The DeveloperPage contains useful information for developers.
== Want to be a downloader? ==
If you have a base installation running just waiting for new advanced tools for analysis you will find them all
on the [wiki:PluginDownload download page].
== Feedback ==
Please use the [http://base.thep.lu.se/wiki/MailingLists BASE mailing lists] for discussions about plug-ins. You can use the [http://baseplugins.thep.lu.se/newticket ticketing system] to report bugs, enhancement ideas, and feature requests.
== Mailing lists ==
There are three [http://www.sourceforge.net Sourceforge] hosted [http://base.thep.lu.se/wiki/MailingLists mailing lists for the BASE project]. Please use them also for plugin issues.