| 16 | 1. JSP file `index.jsp` in `resources/` updated in wizard names and by adding new conversion wizard "Update processed start lists with lot numbers from extracts" to the "Special conversion tools" sub-section of the "Admin" section. |
| 17 | 2. New JSP and javascript files `update_start_list_with_lot_numbers_from_extract.jsp` and `update_start_list_with_lot_numbers_from_extract.js` added to `resources/admin/`. The latter file calls Extraction servlet with new command "`UpdateStartListsWithLotNumbersFromExtracts`" to perform the conversion. |
| 18 | 3. JSP and javascript files in "`resources/sampleproc/`" updated to allow input of all lot numbers in the "Lab tracking protocol for FFPE extraction" wizard, storing them in the created start item list, reading the values from the latter in the "DNA/RNA registration/quantification" and "Lab tracking protocol/report copy" wizards, and displaying all values in any created labe tracking protocol/report:[[BR]][[BR]]a. `extraction_preparation.jsp`[[BR]]b. `extraction_preparation.js`[[BR]]c. `extraction_registration.jsp`[[BR]]d. `extraction_registration.js`[[BR]]e. `extraction_formcopy.jsp`[[BR]]f. `extraction_formcopy.js`[[BR]]g. `extraction_protocol2.jsp`[[BR]]h. `extraction_protocol.js`[[BR]][[BR]] |
| 19 | 4. Java data access object class/file `Annotationtype.java` in `src/net/sf/basedb/meludi/dao/` updated with new `ItemList` annotations for new lot numbers. Also new annotation for extraction operator for both extract and `ItemList` items. |
| 20 | 5. Java data access object class/file `StartList.java` in `src/net/sf/basedb/meludi/dao/` updated by making item type constants static, and adding new public methods `List<String> fetchItemNameListFromItemList(DbControl dc, String itemType)` and `List<String> fetchItemNameListFromItemList(DbControl dc, String itemType, boolean meludiItemsFirst)`. They return a list of extract member items of the desired type from the start list. |
| 21 | 6. Java servlet class/file `InstallServlet.java` in `src/net/sf/basedb/meludi/servlet/` updated for new annotation types. |
| 22 | 7. Java servlet class/file `ExtractionServlet.java` in `src/net/sf/basedb/meludi/servlet/` updated:[[BR]][[BR]]a. |