3 | | * DNA/RNA extraction wizard for lab tracking protocol for Allprep isolation should be updated in step 2 to include a button for downloading a reagent lot number file for latest registered DNA. |
| 3 | * DNA/RNA extraction wizard for lab tracking protocol for Allprep isolation should be updated in step 2 to include a button for downloading a reagent lot number file for latest registered DNA. The default filename should consist of prefix "`extraction-reagents-`" + start list name + "`-`" + isolation date in YYYYMMDD format + suffix "`_latest_used_dna`", and have file extension "`.csv`". |
| 4 | |
| 5 | Design discussion: |
| 6 | |
| 7 | * Currently the DNA/RNA extraction wizard for DNA/RNA registration/quantification, that normally follows the Allprep isolation wizard, allows reagent lot numbers to be loaded from a file, from latest registered DNA, or entered manually, after which the lot number set may be downloaded to a file. The lab tracking protocol/report copy wizard also allows the reagent lot numbers for a registered start list to be downloaded to a file. The required functionality is therefore already present in the Extraction servlet, but in two different commands, "`GetLastProcessedDna`" and "`DownloadReagentLotNoFile`". |
| 8 | * In the DNA/RNA registration/quantification wizard, lot numbers loaded from latest registered DNA is stored as values in web form input fields, and values in these fields are used when downloading lot numbers to a file. Since no lot numbers except the one for the AllPrep DNA/RNA FFPE kit are currently presented in the Allprep isolation wizard, it was decided to create special Javascript functions for the new button, where values loaded from latest registered DNA are directly used when downloading the lot numbers to a file. However, the new functions will be based on corresponding functions for the DNA/RNA registration/quantification wizard. |