= How to checkout my favourite plug-in from the Subversion repository = ---- Check out the latest revision of the whole baseplugins subversion tree with {{{ svn checkout http://lev.thep.lu.se/repository/baseplugins/trunk/ baseplugins }}} This will checkout all plug-ins stored at this site, and place the copy in the folder ''baseplugins''. ---- Checkout the latest trunk revision of a plug-in with {{{ svn checkout http://lev.thep.lu.se/repository/baseplugins/trunk/se/lu/thep/wenni wenni }}} This will checkout the [wiki:WeNNI WeNNI] plug-in, and place the copy in the folder `wenni`. ---- Checkout the latest tagged revision of a plug-in with {{{ svn checkout http://lev.thep.lu.se/repository/baseplugins/tags/se/lu/thep/affymetrix-0.6 affymetrix-0.6 }}} This will checkout the wiki:se.lu.thep.affymetrix release 0.6 plug-in, and place the copy in the folder `affymetrix-0.6`. ----