Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #911, comment 39

Oct 25, 2016, 12:53:45 PM (8 years ago)


  • Ticket #911, comment 39

    initial v1  
    1 (In [4176]) Refs #911. MeLuDI updated to not crash, when a non-configured project is selected as active Prefixes for sample, start list, start plate, and patient items should be set to an empty string for non-configured projects, and project focus and specimen type defaults to `null`.
     1(In [4176]) Refs #911. MeLuDI updated to not crash, when a non-configured project is selected as active. Prefixes for sample, start list, start plate, and patient items should be set to an empty string for non-configured projects, and project focus and specimen type defaults to `null`.
    33 1. Java class/file `` in `src/net/sf/based/meludi/` updated:[[BR]]a. Public static method `fetchSampleItemPrefix(int activeProjectId)` updated to return an empty string, if no configuration can be found for the active project.[[BR]]b. Public static method `fetchStartListItemPrefix(int activeProjectId)` updated to return an empty string, if no configuration can be found for the active project.[[BR]]c. Public static method `fetchStartPlateItemPrefix(int activeProjectId)` updated to return an empty string, if no configuration can be found for the active project.[[BR]]d. Public static method `fetchPatientItemPrefix(int activeProjectId)` updated to return an empty string, if no configuration can be found for the active project.[[BR]]e. Public static method `fetchProjectFocusDefault(int activeProjectId)` updated to return `null`, if no configuration can be found for the active project.[[BR]]f. Public static method `fetchSpecimenTypeDefault(int activeProjectId)` updated to return `null`, if no configuration can be found for the active project.