Changes between Version 3 and Version 5 of Ticket #887

May 11, 2016, 2:36:00 PM (8 years ago)
Nicklas Nordborg


  • Ticket #887

    • Property Status newassigned
  • Ticket #887 – Description

    v3 v5  
    2121   * Second column is `TRUE` or `FALSE`.
    23  * Cohort data (in folder `cohortTables`): A set of tab-separated files with data for each raw bioassay and the parent items it is derived from. Each file starts with a header line. Each row contains data for one raw bioassay. The first column (`rba`) is always the name of the raw bioassay.
     23 * Cohort data (in folder `cohortTables`): A set of tab-separated files with data for each raw bioassay and the parent items it is derived from. Each file starts with a header line. Each row contains data for one raw bioassay. The first column (`rba`) is always the name of the raw bioassay. Columns ending with `.A.` are annotation columns. Date values are formatted as `YYYY-MM-DD` unless otherwise noted.
    2424  - `cohortRawbioassay.txt`: Data from the raw bioassay level. Columns:
    2525   * `ID`: Internal ID in BASE
    3131   * ``: Name of the array design
    3232   * `Software`: Name of the software used to generate the raw data
    33    * ``: Date the raw data was created (in YYYY-MM-DD format)
    34    * `AnalysisResult..A.`: !Successful/Failed
    35    * `DataFilesFolder..A.`: Path to folder in project archive file server where data files are located 
     33   * ``: Date the raw data was created
     34   * `AnalysisResult..A.`
     35   * `DataFilesFolder..A.`     
    3636   * `FPKM.tracking.file..F.`: Path to the `isoforms.fpkm_tracking` file in the BASE file system
    37   - `cohortAligned`: Data from the `AlignedSequences` parent item. Columns:
    38    * TODO
     37  - `cohortAligned.txt`: Data from the `AlignedSequences` parent item. Columns:
     38   * `ID`: Internal ID in BASE
     39   * `Name`: Name of item
     40   * `Type`: Type of item (!AlignedSequences)
     41   * `Software`: Name of the software used for alignment
     42   * `Registered`: Date the item was registered in BASE
     43   * `AnalysisResult..A.`
     44   * `DataFilesFolder..A.`
     45   * `ALIGNED_PAIRS..A.`
     46   * `READ_PAIRS_EXAMINED..A.`
     47   * `READ_PAIR_DUPLICATES..A.`
    3948  - `cohortMasked.txt`: Data from the `MaskedSequences` parent item. Columns:
    40    * TODO
     49   * `ID`: Internal ID in BASE
     50   * `Name`: Name of item
     51   * `Type`: Type of item (!MaskedSequences)
     52   * `Software`: Name of the software used for masking
     53   * `Registered`: Date the item was registered in BASE
     54   * `PM_READS..A.`
    4155  - `cohortMerged.txt`: Data from the `MergedSequences` parent item. Columns:
    4256   * TODO