Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#234 assigned task

Proof-of-concept: run a selected GenePattern visualization module from BASE

Reported by: Nicklas Nordborg Owned by: Nicklas Nordborg
Priority: major Milestone: ZZ GenePattern integration v1.0
Component: net.sf.basedb.genepattern Keywords:


Change History (3)

comment:1 by Nicklas Nordborg, 15 years ago

Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Nicklas Nordborg, 15 years ago

(In [1132]) References #234: Proof-of-concept: run a selected GenePattern visualization module from BASE

This is a first attempt to run a visualization module. The main procedure is work and the really hard parts (starting the visualization applet with correct parameters and support files) have been done. But don't expect this to work outside of my development machine yet.

comment:3 by Nicklas Nordborg, 15 years ago

(In [1134]) References #234: Proof-of-concept: run a selected GenePattern visualization module from BASE

The process is now a bit more generic. In theory it should be possible to run any visualizer module. Got rid of hard-coded urls to servers.

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